“Sisters are good that way,” Lily said. “If either of you need anything, or have to take some time off to deal with this, you know to do it.”

“Thanks,” she said. “Did you want to meet soon to go over things for the week?”

“Why don’t you go meet with Poppy and Daisy and then we’ll meet this afternoon to see what is going on and what needs to be done?”

Ivy nodded and grabbed her laptop to go downstairs. Poppy wasn’t in yet. She was probably at the manufacturing plant so she went to Daisy’s office.

With Rose on maternity leave, Daisy was managing the jewelry end of the business on a day-to-day level and reporting to Lily and Poppy, but there were things Ivy had to take care of.

“Morning,” she said to Daisy.

Daisy spun around in her chair, took her safety glasses off, jumped up and ran to her to give her a big hug. “How are you doing? Are you okay? I was so upset when I heard. Heather and Luke came over yesterday and gave a little update.”

“I’m okay,” she said. Ivy knew she could be open with Daisy. She could with her sisters too, but sometimes she held back some to not get a lecture.

“Come on now,” Daisy said, squeezing her tight and then stepping back. “It’s me. I was scared at Theo’s after I got the text it happened. I couldn’t wait for him to come home. It’s like you never think that can happen to you. I’m just so glad no one got hurt.”

“Me too,” she said. “And I didn’t want to go back. I mean we spent the night at Jasmine’s and we could have stayed as long as we wanted.”

“But Dahlia wanted to go home, right?”

“Yeah,” she said.

She had wanted to stay another night at the very least, but Dahlia said she was staying in the apartment and there was no way Ivy was letting her sister be alone.

She supposed that was Dahlia’s way of putting a boot on her butt for a shove. Or maybe her sister just wasn’t as affected by the whole thing as she was.

“You made it through the night,” Daisy said. “The first night is probably the worst.”

“I hope so,” she said. “I’m not sure how many more nights I can go on only a few hours of sleep.”

She was lucky if she got five hours last night with all her tossing and turning. Every noise—and the old house they lived in had plenty with the wind—woke her up and made her sit up in bed, her eyes wide as if she had night vision trying to see what was going on.

“Good thing you’ve got good genetics on your side,” Daisy said, laughing. “You look adorable today.”

She did a little spin. “I wanted to be cheerful today. I pulled out my inner Daisy.”

She had on red pants, a patterned blouse full of colors, and a pair of nude heels on her feet. Her hair was pulled back with one of Poppy’s headbands. Just a white one with red roses on it. Normally she didn’t get all matchy like that, but she always wore the store’s products somewhere on her body.

Just like she had one of Rose’s rings on her middle finger and a pair of earrings that Daisy had made.

“You did a good job. I see they didn’t get all your jewelry,” Daisy said.

“Actually,” she said. “They did. The only things I’ve got left are what I was wearing that night. This ring, these earrings and a necklace.”

She didn’t put that on today since the shirt she had on was a higher neck.

“Go pick out what you want,” Daisy said.

“What?” she said.

“Rose told me to talk to you today and tell you that you can replace what was stolen.” Daisy grabbed her hand. “Come on. Let’s do it now. You’ll feel better thinking of it as retail therapy.”

She was dragged over to the inventory that was in the back. “You need that for orders,” Ivy argued.

“I’ll tell you if I do. I know what is outstanding right now. If so, then I’ll just make another. I know you had a lot of pieces and if you only have three things left...”

“I don’t feel right doing that,” she said. She’d never take advantage of things like that. It wasn’t her boss’s fault they were robbed.