She was naked, her feet planted, her lady parts spread wide, her own fingers inside of her, another finger on her bud, pure shock on her face.

“I can’t do this when you’re this close to me,” he said.

He marched forward in a rush. She removed her hands quickly and he grabbed her ankles, pulled her down toward the edge of the bed and then thrust inside of her, his hands still holding her.

He spread her wider, then started to slam in and out. He had her trapped on the bed, but she didn’t seem to mind.

Nope, she moved her hand right back down between her legs and used her thumb to start to rub herself some more.

It pretty much set him over the edge at a pace he hadn’t had with her before.

The hunger was the same as their first time and he found himself being a little rougher than normal.

The noises coming out of her mouth were fueling him to a primal level that he might have never felt a day in his life before.

“I need to come,” she said. “I’m so close. Go harder.”

He did because she asked. Or more like because he was a puppet and she was the master controlling his movements.

Her back arched, her hand fell away and he felt her squeezing him so tightly that he might have spread her legs even further if that was possible. He hoped he wasn’t hurting her, but the sight of her wide open like that while his dick slid in and out was the last straw for him before he started to come.

He let go of her ankles and dropped her feet down as he was coming. He was still standing and wasn’t sure how long he was going to keep it up he felt so weak.

When he pulled out of her, he noticed the condom was empty. It must have broken.


“What?” she said, popping up.

“The condom broke.” He had to have been too rough. The sweat that had been running down his back before from the exertion was now from fear.

When she started to laugh he wasn’t sure what to do or say. “What is so funny?” he asked. “You don’t know what this means.”

“Of course I do. It means nothing though.” She sat up on the bed and moved her legs Indian style, having the least care in the world she was naked.

“It could mean nothing or it could mean something.”

“Nope,” she said. “Because for once in my life I’m the responsible one. Oh my God. I love it.” Her thumb was pointing to her chest and she was giggling.

What was he missing? “Want to explain that?”

“I’m on the pill, Brooks.”

He let out a big breath. “You are? Why haven’t you said anything?”

“Because it’s a backup plan. Do you know how many times in my life I’ve never had a backup plan? I’ve messed up so many things in the past. The last thing I wanted to do was end up pregnant. More so after it happened to Jasmine. No one said a word whenshegot pregnant before she was married, but they would all say they expected it from me.”

“Jasmine got pregnant first?” he asked. He hadn’t known that. Not that he cared.

“Yep,” she said. “Not planned. I’m sure the same thing happened with her and a condom leaked or broke. Jasmine was freaking, Wesley was thrilled. He wanted kids with his first wife, but it didn’t happen.”

He’d only recently heard that Wesley had been a widower. Just one of those conversations where Ivy was gabbing.

“So we are good?” he asked. Though he wasn’t sure he was. He couldn’t calm his racing heart even though there was no fear at this point.

“Yep,” she said. “I’m good. And I’m very responsible in taking the pill. I was going to get that shot in the arm or one of those implant things in the arm, but I decided on this pill. I take it every morning at the same time with breakfast. I haven’t missed one.”

“Good,” he said.