Her family had a summer home here. She visited often on the weekends but didn’t live that far away.

Talk about someone only wanting to be out for fun. At the time they’d been dating, they only lived about twenty minutes apart since he wasn’t in Mystic himself.

“It’s me,” he said.

“Still have that sunny personality too,” Sophie said. They didn’t end things well and he had no clue why she wasn’t avoiding him unless she had selective memory.

“Some things don’t change,” he said, putting his head down to keep eating, hoping she’d get the hint and leave.

“I heard you’re with the state police now,” Sophie said.

He lifted his eyes. “Not sure why it concerns you.”

Ivy was watching the show and not saying a word. He was being a dick and he knew it, but he’d explain later.

“I’ve got a few tickets,” she said. “I was hoping you could take care of them for me rather than me paying for an attorney again.”

“Nope,” he said. “You’re on your own. Have your daddy pay for them for you.”

“You’re still an asshole,” Sophie said and marched away.

“Yep, I am,” he said, then went back to eating.

It was about two minutes of silence before Ivy finally said, “Are you going to explain that to me?”

“Remember when I said I’d been cheated on?”

“Oh,” she said. “Her. Damn. Now I feel a little inferior. She was classy looking at least. Maybe not in her behavior though.”

“Don’t,” he said. “She’s a bitch. Daddy’s little girl that came from money. She wants what she wants and uses people to get it.”

“I just witnessed some of it. Did she say why she cheated on you? Or just because she felt like it?”

He laughed. Not a funny sound. “I was working as a security officer at the time. River was living with me.”

“And you were paying for everything so probably working a lot,” she said.

“Yes. She didn’t like that I wasn’t always around when she wanted it. I was never good enough for her anyway. I knew her from when I worked at the marina and cleaned her father’s boat. She knew what I was.”

“A great guy,” she said. “Even if you’re a bit of a dick now and again.”

He laughed. “Yeah, that. She didn’t think I was so great when I wouldn’t take her out when she wanted. Not to fancy restaurants and clubs, concerts and shows in the city.”

“That’s not you,” Ivy said, wrinkling her nose.

“Nope. Her father didn’t care all that much for me either. I knew it. I think deep down she dated me to get back at him. She told me all the time she’d fight with him about it.”

“That’s rude,” she said. “But not much ruder than what she just did now.”

“Some people don’t change,” he said.

“And some do,” she said. “Remember that. She must like who she is.”

“She doesn’t think there is anything wrong with her behavior.”

“Well, there is,” she said. “And I guess it’s an eye-opener for me too.”

“Don’t do that,” he said.