“Right,” Jasmine said. “And I need to remember that now.”

“Thank you,” she said. “Both of you.”

“Now we should get to work though,” Jasmine said.

“Yes, we should. Before that though, what do you guys think of Sage interviewing for the marketing position? It’s a lock, don’t you agree?”

She didn’t want to say that there was only one other person that Lily was even interviewing and in her mind because that person didn’t have a flower name there was no shot.

“It’s Lily, Poppy, and Rose’s decision,” Jasmine said. “But I think we all know how it might turn out. Violet is excited.”

“Which means she feels it too,” she said.

“That doesn’t mean it’s something that works for Sage. She expressed interest, but it’d be a huge change in not just her job and responsibilities but location. She is used to working in the fashion world.”

“Poppy’s stuff is fashion,” she said.

“It is. I guess we’ll all find out soon enough,” Jasmine said. “And as I said, back to work.”

“You’re still bossy,” Ivy said to her sister.

“Some things won’t change. Just remember I’m not as bossy as Dahlia.”

“Good point.”


Changed My Mind

Three weeks later, Brooks and Ivy were walking into a restaurant by the water.

They’d both been busy with work and he hadn’t taken her out in a while.

There was part of him that felt bad he hadn’t been around as much, but she wasn’t complaining about it.

It kind of surprised him, if he was honest with himself.

In the beginning he thought she’d be clingy...just as she’d said she’d been accused of in the past.

The fact she wasn’t was confusing him.

Tonight he was going to talk to her about it. If she was just putting on a front, he wanted to know. He needed to know for two reasons. One, he didn’t want her not being who she was. It seemed to him she’d gotten knocked down enough in her life by her family.

Two, somehow he felt things changing with how he was looking at them and feeling and though he wasn’t sure where they were going or what they were doing, he’d like a heads up if she was driving on the same road as him.

“I’m glad we are going out tonight,” she said. “I would have cooked, but I’m in the mood for seafood and I don’t do well cooking that.”

“I don’t like the way it smells in the house,” he said.

“Do you like it?” she asked. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you eat fish.”

“I’m not a fan of it,” he said.

“Glad to know that,” she said. “It just means I’ll get it when we go out at times. It’s not something I like cooking either. But we ate a lot of fish as kids.”

“Because it was available more?” he asked.

He opened the door for her and let her walk in. His eyes went to her tight little ass that he loved.