“Nothing,” River said. “Once everyone has their plates, Emma and I wanted to tell you the sex of the baby.”

“You found out and haven’t told your mother?” his father asked.

“River is getting in trouble,” he said.

“You sounded just like me when I used to say that about one of my siblings,” she said. “I was always the one in trouble so I had to point it out when it was someone else.”

Raine started to laugh. “Guess you two have that in common. Brooks was always the one in trouble. And please, tell us, Emma. I’m guessing girl.”

“Boy,” Brooks said. “It’s a boy. We’ve got strong male genes.”

His brother winked and that told him what he needed to know.

Emma didn’t make them wait but said at the table while they filled their plates with food, “We are having a boy.”

Brooks was happy for his brother. He looked at Ivy and saw her grinning and somewhere deep inside, he felt jealousy once again and hated himself for it.


Changed And Matured

On Tuesday, Ivy couldn’t take it anymore.

She needed to talk to someone who would understand what she was going through so she decided to take a trip out to the greenhouses.

She did it often, as she had to meet with Heather to find out some inventory and what might be needed. It was a good excuse to talk to her about what happened last week with Brooks and the robbery.

Not to mention meeting his parents on Sunday.

She pulled into the greenhouse next to Heather’s car, got out and went in.

It always smelled so fresh in here. Not like the flowers but like a kitchen with all the herbs.

“I always get hungry when I come here. How can you work in this all the time?”

Heather laughed at her and spun around from her computer where she’d been working.

“I’m used to it. Just like everyone else in the flower shop and retail shops.”

“I know,” she said.

“And you want to talk to me about more than work, don’t you?”

There was so much Ivy wanted to say but couldn’t.

Like Daisy was getting engaged soon because she’d overheard Rose talking to Lily about it. That it was hard to make the ring without Daisy seeing it and she’d been doing it at home.

Ivy wasn’t supposed to know and she was so excited for Daisy and keeping the secret had been so hard.

She’d been bad. She told Dahlia.

Dahlia was a vault and wouldn’t say a word to anyone.

Ivy just needed to get it off her chest.

Dahlia started to lecture her about being jealous of Daisy, but she wasn’t. Not really.

She’d been happy for Daisy.