Not that he was this time either, but the fact that the gun went off and people could have gotten hurt had him doubting his actions too. Seemed he was doubting his actions in every part of his life lately.

Sometimes it was better to just let the perp get away than risk an innocent person getting hurt.

“We need you to come down and make a statement,” Ethan said.

“Not a problem,” he said. “I’m sure most of it is on camera.”

“You’re a hero,” the manager said.

He looked over at the loan officer. “I’m sorry I don’t remember your name.”

“Amanda. I was a few years ahead of you in school. Nice tackle.”

“A lot of the credit goes to Amanda too. She stayed calm and distracted the guy so I had a move. You’re the hero, not me.”

Amanda laughed. “Would you think poorly of me if I said that wasn’t what I was trying to do and literally just tripped being scared?”

“Whatever works, right?” he asked.

“Yeah,” Amanda said. “I can’t get my hands to stop shaking. I think my knees are too.”

“It will stop at some point,” he said. He wouldn’t admit his heart was still thumping along too.

While the video was being sent over to the police, he called his captain to tell him what had happened. He was pretty sure his actions were going to be reviewed. He’d never done anything in his career that would warrant that.

A few hours later, Brooks was back in his office. He was getting a lot of congratulations. He’d been told that though his actions could have been deemed reckless by some, the results were there and he’d be fine. When the call came in that there were only blanks and not bullets in the rifle he’d breathed a bigger sigh of relief.

All the statements were passed on with a copy of the video. When he saw it himself, he realized it wasn’t the smartest of decisions and someone could have gotten hurt, himself included.

His phone started ringing and he picked it up off his desk to see his mother calling.

He wasn’t surprised the news was traveling fast. “Are you okay?” He hated the anxiety in her voice.

“I’m fine, Mom,” he said. “The guy had a soft jaw.”

“Did you hit him?”

“What did you hear?” he asked.

“That you were in the bank during a robbery and the guy fired at someone and you tackled him. You could have been shot. I don’t think my heart can take this.”

“Calm down,” he said. “You know how rumors start. It wasn’t like that.”

He told her what happened and then said it was only full of blanks. No one was going to get hurt.

“Thank God,” his mother said. He was glad she didn’t ask if he knew there were blanks loaded in the rifle or not. He didn’t want to lie to her but didn’t want to worry her either.

“There is the slugger,” he heard and turned his head to see Luke standing there.

He’d never talked to the guy much before, but since he’d been dating Ivy and Ivy and Heather worked together, the two men did chat a bit more than normal.

He held his hand up. His knuckles weren’t even scratched. “Been a while since I had to do that.”

“I’ve heard the stories from a few guys that knew you back in the day,” Luke said.

“Still comes in handy it seems,” he said, flexing his fist. A long time since he threw a punch.

“Some things always will,” Luke said and then left.