Brett laughed, nodding knowingly as he released her hand. He walked around the desk, flipping the pages of a calendar as he spoke. “Don’t I know the feeling? So, do you need to make an appointment—is your car here? I can do pretty much anything and have enough time to get it back to you before the holidays.”

She swallowed the lump in her throat, a story coming to mind. “Oh, I, uh, don’t have a car.” Brett’s eyes jumped to hers, trepidation in them now that he didn’t know her motive for being at his auto shop, talking to his daughter. “I am actually looking for somewhere to volunteer for the holidays, and some people around pointed me your way. I’m not looking for pay. I just want to do what I can where I’m needed.”

Brett turned back to face Carol, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned on the table behind him. The way his body was situated made the muscles in his arms flex, drawing her attention for a moment too long to be appropriate.

“I’m not sure if…” Brett began, but Lacy cut him off.

“Daddy, she can help!” Lacy said, making Brett look at her with a hint of anger.

“Lacy, we don’t need help,” Brett reprimanded through his teeth, but Lacy was already shaking her head.

“No, Daddy. Uncle Andy said something needs to happen, and soon. Carol is really awesome and smart and can do anything—plus, she’s agirl. Girls are better at some things than boys, Daddy.”

Carol muffled the laugh that escaped at Lacy’s statement, knowing the truth behind it. In her industry specifically, most successful planners were women, so if there was something that she could do to help, she’d do it.

Carol might have even wanted to without her unfinished business looming over her head, just because of how charming Lacy had been and how attractive Brett was.

Brett sighed, wiping a hand over his face. He looked back over at Carol, his mind obviously whirring behind his eyes.

“Maybe there is something you can help us with,” he admitted, earning cheers from his daughter.


Carol’s conversationwith Brett was interrupted when a customer came in to pick up their car. Brett led them to the back, completely in business mode and explaining different things to the man. She watched him go, the overalls leaving more to the imagination than she’d like but giving her a great view of his bowlegged swagger.

Lacy jumped back in front of Carol, pulling her eyes away.

“Can we finish my homework now?” she asked sweetly, and there was no way that she could say no to that. The two of them took their places at the desk once more, Lacy pulling out her reading work and Carol grabbing the math assignment.

She was nearly done when the bell on the door chimed, drawing both of her eyes. “Uncle Andy!” Lacy said excitedly, hopping out of her chair and running toward the giant of a man who had just come in.

“Hey, Lacy-bear,” he said, ruffling her hair a bit as he wrapped an arm around her. “What’s up?”

Uncle Andy’s eyes were on Carol when he asked and she stood once more, ready to meet yet another person whom she was probably going to have to fib to. “This is Carol; she’s better at math than Daddy.”

Andrew laughed, heading over and offering his hand. He stood a few inches taller than Brett and his hands were that much bigger. “Nice to meet you, Uncle Andy,” Carol said with a friendly smile.

Andrew shook his head. “Please, Andrew.”

“Andrew,” she confirmed, dropping his hand and feeling awkward once more.

“Are you waiting for your car?” he asked, making conversation as he put down his briefcase on the desk, shuffling some papers around.

“Um, no,” she replied, stepping out of the way. “I’m, uh…”

“She’s going to help Daddy and you with the shop!” Lacy answered for her, drawing Andrew’s eyes. “You should tell her. Daddy was going to, but then he went to the back with Mr. Garth.”

Andrew looked at her again and Carol shrugged. “I'm looking to volunteer for the holidays. Lacy thinks you two need a woman’s help with something around here, but that was as far as we got.”

The lie was a bit easier to give to Andrew, and she wondered why that was. Maybe because he didn’t make her stomach flutter with nerves like Brett did, or maybe it was just getting easier. She wasn’t sure, but Andrew seemed to accept it and held out some papers.

“Brett’s going out of business if we don’t do something fast. Like, we’ll close by the New Year.”

Her eyes widened, looking at the finances. Carol had some knowledge of financial ledgers like this, having to run all aspects of her event planning company, including budgets. Her eyes scanned the papers, seeing that Brett’s customer base had been steadily dropping and he’d recently moved one of his employees from full-time to part-time.

“You help with the finances?” she asked, sitting down and grabbing a pencil. Andrew made an affirmative noise, leaning over as she jotted a few notes on some of the papers. “How long has Carlington Auto been open?”

“It was my dad’s business. Brett inherited it. He’s had it for about fifteen years now. Since then I’ve helped with the business side of things.”