Andrew was quiet as well, his mind whirring a thousand miles an hour. He knew better than anyone how much his brother liked Carol; he’d never seen Brett like this about anyone. Andrew liked Carol, he liked her a lot, and he really hoped there was an explanation for the coma.

Brett parked at the hospital, motioning for Andrew to wait with Lacy while he went ahead. He walked straight up to the desk and got the attention of a nurse.

“I’m here to see Carol Mason; she’s in a coma,” he said, no nonsense in his voice even if his stomach was clenching with nerves.

“And you are?” the nurse asked, not looking at Brett but searching the clipboard.

“Boyfriend,” Brett answered simply, hoping that was a good enough answer. The woman looked up at Brett over the rim of her glasses, seeing the stress and worry on his face and believing him immediately.

“She’s in room 2203,” she said, motioning to a door to her right. “She’s still sleeping, but you may go in and see her.”

Brett nodded, thanking the nurse quickly before heading through the door, taking the steps two at a time. He was mumbling the room number under his breath as he walked down the hallway, finally finding the door.

He froze outside of it, unsure of what he was going into. Was this going to be the Carol he’d gotten to know over the past two weeks, the one who pulled off a holiday party and fundraiser for his auto shop for free, the one whom he was falling for much too quickly? Or was this some elaborate ruse, one that he was going to be humiliated by?

He had to know.

He turned the knob slowly so he wouldn’t disturb anyone in the room. It was a silly thought, really, as Carol was in a coma and wouldn’t even notice him there.

There was no one else in the room, only a lone hospital bed. Sure enough, as Brett took a few steps inside, he saw that it was her. She looked as though she was only sleeping, except for the fact that there were tubes in her nose and mouth and a heart monitor next to her bed that beeped every few seconds.

Brett took a few steps toward Carol, unsure of what to do. He looked around the room, pulling a chair up to her bedside and settling into it, pulling her hand into his.

“What is going on, Carol?” he asked, wishing desperately she could answer all his questions.

After sitting by her side for a half hour, just staring at her face and hoping that she would wake to tell him it was all a ploy, Brett called Andrew’s cell and told him her room number. In just a few minutes Andrew and Lacy were also in the room, confusion clouding the girl’s face.

“What’s wrong with Carol, Daddy?” she asked, but Brett just shook his head. He didn’t know the answers to tell her, so he didn’t say a word.

The day passed quickly but too slowly, Brett unable to leave her bedside. A few times during the day, doctors and nurses came into the room, surprised to see that she had visitors. No one except for the rich CEO Beverly Patton had been by to see Carol, and that was only for her to drop off a donation check to the hospital.

Andrew went on food runs, getting lunch and dinner for Brett as he didn’t want to leave her side. Eventually it was dark outside and a nurse came in to tell them visiting hours were over.

Brett nodded, standing and reaching for Lacy’s hand once more. “Daddy, is Carol going to be okay?” she asked softly, making Brett sigh.

“I don’t know, sweetie,” Brett answered, leading Lacy out of the room with one final glance at her face.

It was in the parking lot on the way to the car that Lacy stopped, pointing to the sky. “Look, a shooting star! We should make a Christmas wish for Carol!”

Brett looked up, barely able to see the stars with the lights of the city, but hoping Lacy had truly seen the shooting star.

I wish Carol would wake up and come back to us.


Brett madeit a habit to go see her at the hospital every day, especially with it being so close to Christmas. It might not have been normal for Brett to close early the week before the holidays, but he began the habit with Carol in mind. With the number of customers she’d gained for him at the party and the cushion of money she’d raised, he didn’t feel bad about working half-days if it meant he could see her.

Brett realized quickly how much he’d come to enjoy her company since she’d first shown up at his shop, becoming a staple in his life. He talked with her, even if she wasn’t going to talk back, telling her everything that he hadn’t said before because he was too scared.

Brett told her about growing up with Wade, about how happy he was when Wade and Meg got married. He told her about being at the hospital when Lacy was born–that was actually the last time he’d been at a hospital before coming to visit her now.

Brett talked about the day that Wade and Meg died, how heartbroken he’d been but determined to make sure Lacy had a full and happy life. He kept those emotional conversations to times when it was just her and him, not wanting Andrew or Lacy to see him tear up.

The doctors finally opened up to Brett, even though he wasn’t a direct relative, telling him they didn’t know what was causing her coma but that they were doing everything they could to keep her comfortable. All they could do at this point was wait to see if she woke up, which meant Brett found himself praying for the first time in his life.

He still didn’t understand how she’d been in a coma the whole time he’d known her, but he didn’t care anymore. All Brett wanted was for her to wake up and be okay.

Lacy soon stopped asking questions about her, realizing that both Brett and Andrew didn’t have the answers she was searching for.