Austin’s fingerstap relentlessly on the hard surface, his face a mask of passive expression. Mesmerized by the rhythmic motion, I lean back in my seat to his left. Dean—aka Saint—is still absent, unaware of the impending drama. The poor soul sitting at the opposite end of the long table seems on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

“Explain, in excruciating detail, how Nox snatched that deal right from under our noses, Edwards,” Austin demands, his voice sharp as a whip crack. The intensity of his tone even makes me catch my breath. If I were in Edwards’ shoes, I’d probably spill all my secrets in an instant. He hasn’t even used his bark.

Edwards swallows audibly, his tie clearly feeling like a noose around his neck. He hastily unbuttons the top of his shirt, as if seeking release from its grip. Yet, it isn't physically choking him, at least not yet.

Malice emanates from Austin’s violet eyes, the golden flecks barely discernible amidst the storm brewing within his irises. It's the one telltale sign that reveals the depth of his anger. If I were at the receiving end of the boss’s wrath, I’d be trembling uncontrollably.

You could remove the Mafia Prince from the Mafia, but you couldn’t erase the Mafia from the Prince. And in this moment, he embodies every inch of a formidable kingpin. His rage simmers just beneath the surface, held in check with a composure I could never hope to match.

Edwards stumbles over his words, his demeanor resembling that of a young, frightened omega rather than the beta he is. “I-I, uh, it... was—” His voice cracks, and he straightens his shoulders in an attempt to appear less terrified. “Nox simply had a better bid. It was something I couldn’t expect.”

The tapping of Austin’s fingers ceases, and I hold my breath, awaiting his response. “You couldn’t foresee that the bid for the building was too low? Aren’t you greasing the palms of the young code official? What’s the use of my money going to someone who can’t do their job?” His words carry a double meaning, leaving no room for doubt. Both Edwards and the omega with the city are on the chopping block.

His mouth gapes open like a fish stranded on dry land. “Mr. Zade—”

“The time for excuses is over, Edwards,” Austin declares, rising from his seat. He smooths out his jacket, effortlessly erasing any invisible creases, before locking eyes with the man. “Felix, take care of the problem.”

Without hesitation, or a second thought, I stand up, my gun already in hand, and squeeze the trigger. Edwards collapses, a bullet piercing his forehead, brain matter coating behind him. I shift my gaze to Austin, and he gives a subtle nod of approval.

“The girl that Vinny sent to see the apartment. It’s the one we’ve been following, right?” Austin glances over at me as he moves to pour himself a drink, gesturing to me in question. I nod my head.

“Yeah, and her brother,” I say.

“Brother?” Surprise fills his voice. “Interesting. Omega?”


I move to the body, rolling him into the carpet we just replaced last month. My stomach tries to empty its contents, but this is part of the job. Just don’t make me torture someone. I can do the quick and fast kills, but I’ll leave torturing to Saint.

“She’s cute. You didn’t tell me she was cute up close and personal.”

He hums and takes a long sip of whiskey from his tumbler.

“She’ll be perfect for our needs. No one would suspect an omega. The tracker on the watch was a good idea.”

I straighten and scratch my neck, feeling uncomfortable with the praise. “What are our needs?”

He snorts at my tone. “Not sexual.”

“Yeah, no... I didn’t think that,” I attempt to assure him, but he obviously senses my lie. Normally when omegas or alphas respond to me, I can ignore it, but the way the girl blushed set my blood on fire.

“Felix, we don’t mix business with pleasure.”

I shake my head. “Of course not. Am I counted in this ‘we‘ you’re talking about?”

A warm chuckle fills the space between us. “When she stole from me, I wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for her perfume. With the right masking, she’ll be perfect.”

“What if she says no?”

He puts the empty tumbler down and shoves his hands into his pockets. “She won’t,” he replies, every bit of confidence he feels infused in his words.

“I told her I’d be back tonight to have her sign the papers and collect rent.”

“Send Reba, I need you with me. Now get rid of the garbage before it smells.”

* * *

Disposing the body is simple;the cleaners take care of the hard work. I supervise. But it takes longer than expected, so I take the stairs to the lobby. At this time of day, the lift would stop on every floor. I don’t have time for that.