“Are we sure about this?” Sin’s voice carries a hint of skepticism as he shoves his hands into his worn jeans, his gaze wandering over to the pool. “That guy seemed a little too eager to give us this place. It just feels off. Why would they offer us something like this, which could easily rent for four or five grand?”

I let out a soft sigh, trying to ease his concerns. “Sin, don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” I say, hoping to reassure him.

He snorts and rolls his eyes. His skepticism is still clear. “Audrey, you are stranger by the day. And if this is a gift, they sure as shit are going to expect something in return.” He shifts slightly giving away his next move.

Anticipating his playful gesture, I quickly step out of his reach, avoiding his attempt to mess up my hair. A carefree laugh escapes my lips, a burst of pure joy at the prospect of a fresh start for both of us. This is our chance to create something new, to embrace the possibilities that lie ahead. And I, for one, will embrace the fuck out of it.

He follows me back to the elevator, and we ride it down to the twentieth floor. I come to a stop in front of the apartment we viewed earlier, pulling out the set of keys from my purse. Inserting the key into the lock, I turn it and push the door open.

A rush of happiness floods through me as I step inside, and I can’t help but let out a contented sigh as I lower myself onto the sofa. It feels like sitting on a cloud, pure comfort.

My gaze wanders around the small living area, taking in the kitchenette situated next to the entrance. The stove is equipped with only two burners, and the refrigerator is a fraction of the size of a standard one. Beside the stove, there is a small counter, barely half the size of the sink, with two cabinets mounted above it. Another larger cabinet hangs directly above the compact fridge.

I realize I haven’t even looked at the bathroom yet, so I bounce off the couch and take a few steps toward the tiny room. Inside, I find a toilet, a miniature sink with a vanity, and a shower that simply drains into the middle of the bathroom floor. It’s a space where you could brush your teeth, use the bathroom, and take a shower simultaneously if you really wanted to.

It’s tiny, no doubt, but it’s ours.

“Sin! It is clean, and it doesn’t smell like trash or any bodily fluids. We can take turns using the bed, maybe even make a schedule or something. Just keep your...intimate activities to the privacy of those back rooms in the clubs.” I flash a mischievous smirk at him, and he responds with an eye roll. “I don’t need to know about your kinks, so keep them to yourself.”

“I wasn’t planning on sharing,” he retorts dryly, sinking into the sofa. A soft sigh escapes his lips as he runs his fingers over the luxurious material. “I almost feel like my clothes are too grubby to be touching this surface.”

“Then you should put on your new clothes,” I suggest playfully.

I walk over to the windows, and we’re lucky to have two of them that stretch from the floor to the ceiling, allowing ample light to flood our cozy apartment. From this height, I can glimpse the river beyond the neighboring building to the east. It feels empowering to be perched above the surrounding structures. The park is just a short walk away, and we’re conveniently positioned about five blocks from the bridge.

Letting out a contented sigh, I turn back to face Sin. “So?” I venture, my eyes scanning the space once more.

“If you’re happy, I’m happy. And you’ll be safe here.”

I sink into the sofa next to him, a wide smile spreading across my face. It’s been such a long time since we had a place to call our own. I suppress the memories that threaten to resurface, swallowing hard to push them away.

This moment is too precious to be tainted by the past. My smile falters for a split second, but I quickly regain composure, ensuring it remains firmly in place. If there’s a hint of glistening in my eyes, I’ll attribute it to pure happiness. No need to let Sin know the memories tried to creep back in.

“I’m curious about the omega-only space,” I say, hugging one of the throw pillows to my chest. “We should find out more when he returns.”

“Yeah, when he comes back.” Sin smirks at me, his eyes full of mischief. “Are we going to talk about that reaction you had?”

I roll my eyes, dismissing his remark. “No, we are absolutely never going to talk about it. It was just a fluke.”

“Sure, if that’s what you need to tell yourself to sleep at night,” he teases. “But I’m pretty sure you were attracted to him.”

I shake my head, feigning disinterest as I get up and pretend to inspect the cabinets. Deep down, I can feel his gaze piercing through me, seeing right through my facade.

“Aud, eventually you’re going to want children,” Sin continues, his tone turning serious. “Maybe you won’t be able to have them with that guy, but perhaps you’ll find an alpha or a pack.”

I scoff at the idea. “I will never trust another alpha again.”

Sin steps closer, his voice filled with empathy. “Look, I know I’m damaged goods, sis, but you aren’t. You could find someone to take care of you. An alpha who would make you happy. Remember how Mom had Dad? He was always good to her.”

I pause, memories of our parents’ loving relationship flooding my mind. Maybe Sin has a point. Perhaps there is someone out there who can provide the stability and love I long for. Before I can push the thoughts away, they overwhelm me.

“Sin,” I choke out, tears welling in my eyes. Swallowing hard, I shake my head, allowing the tears to stream down my face. “I... I can’t.”

His expression tightens, understanding the weight of my words. Finally, I turn to face him, my vulnerability laid bare. I know what he means. He can’t protect me from my heats, only an alpha can. It’s my only option, but the thought fills me with a mixture of terror and resignation.

