“Yeah, just excited.”

He rolls his eyes, sensing my lie. It's hard to lie to someone who has a nose as good as mine.

After finishing our meal, I take the bill up to the register and pay, leaving the tired-looking waitress a generous tip. She's earning her money honestly, unlike me. If I could, I'd be a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing from the wealthy and giving to the poor. Though few would accept the money as pride comes with earning your own way. But whenever I can, I spread the stolen wealth in the best way I know how—by tipping big.

We make our way through the busy streets toward the apartment building. I'm eager to scope it out and check for any potential dangers. It sits on the corner of a quiet street, with flower pots framing the entryway next to the large glass doors. Just like in the picture, there's an actual doorman. It looks...normal. And that eases my fears.

With some time to spare, we duck into a second-hand shop down the street and start browsing through the racks for some new-to-us clothes. These places often hold hidden treasures. Half an hour later, my arms are laden with my selected items as I make my way to the register. I place my stuff on the counter, and Sin places his items on top. He found a couple of things, all in black, of course. My fingers trail over the leather jacket he found. It's old and worn, but the soft texture beneath my palm is irresistible.

“Nice,” I say, tossing him a look.

“Mine,” he replies, reading my mind. I would definitely steal it from him at the earliest chance.

I shrug and smile as the lady bags up our purchases. It is just about time to head over to the apartment.



As we approachthe tall building, the doorman eyes my worn-out jeans and the black hoodie I still cling to—comforts from a better life that I can’t let go of. My arms are filled with plastic bags containing second-hand clothes. With a tight smile, the doorman pulls open the door, accompanied by a half-hearted bow that earns a snort from Sin. We step into the expansive lobby.

The sight is breathtaking. To the right of the entrance is a spacious common area, with high marble ceilings that likely belong to the original building. A grand double-staircase curves up to the second floor, while an old-fashioned elevator, complete with carved marble pillars and an elegant black metal door that stands at its center.

Natural light pours in through the windows, illuminating the common area where a few people chat or play chess. A smile tugs at my lips. It’s perfect. I spin in a small circle, taking in all the intricate details above our heads like a kid on Christmas morning.

Just wow.

The ad boasted a rooftop swimming pool and gym, which piqued my curiosity. Such amenities are rare for the Lower East Side, but I read about a prominent figure buying up rundown properties and transforming them into livable spaces. I bet they are making a fortune if this place is one of theirs. Maybe I should have researched more about this Mr. Zade we are supposed to meet.

My thoughts flash back to the suits we encountered in front of our previous squat. Are they somehow connected to this business? It doesn’t matter; if we are lucky, we will never see them again. It seems unlikely that Mr. Zade is the same man we encountered earlier today. That would be a truly bizarre coincidence.

A throat clears behind me, and I swiftly turn on my heel to face a well-dressed beta. His vibrant purple hair, artfully tousled on top and shaved close on the sides, along with the piercings on his lip and eyebrow, create a striking contrast with his business attire. His sparkling green eyes meet mine, and a smile involuntarily spreads across my face.

He is undeniably attractive, unconventionally. I mean, objectively speaking. Not that I am interested or anything.

“You must be Audrey Taylor,” he says, extending his hand for a shake.

I pause for a moment, mentally preparing myself to make skin-to-skin contact with a stranger. I reluctantly reach out, feeling his warm hand envelop mine with long, strong, and slender fingers.

None of the usual panic fills me; instead, there is this warmth that spreads inside my chest. It is the only thing that stops me from snatching my hand back the second it slides over his calloused fingers.

He gives a firm squeeze before letting go, then turns his attention to Sin. My brother glances at the outstretched hand but keeps his hands in his pockets.

Unfazed, the man continues, “I’m Felix Parker. My boss sent me to show you the apartment. It’s on the 20th floor, a pretty excellent location—only five floors below the roof. If you’re interested, we can also visit the rooftop.”

He swiftly turns on his heel, purposefully striding toward the elevator. With a smooth motion, he slides the metal door aside and gestures for us to enter. I exchange a quick glance with Sin before passing Felix, pressing myself against the wall of the elevator. I feel more at ease with betas than alphas, but that doesn’t mean being trapped in a small box with a stranger tops my list of enjoyable activities.

Felix steps inside after us, silently closing the door. He presses the button for the 20th floor and leans against the opposite wall from me. His curious gaze travels down my body, the intensity still visible in his vibrant green eyes when he returns his gaze to mine.

“Are you two...” His voice trails off as he gestures between us, leaving the question open-ended. Sin scoffs in response.


He nods, his gaze returning to me. “Family?” he inquires.

“What gave it away? Our matching dimples? Same fine features?” Sin retorts, oozing sarcasm with each question mark. I elbow him and force a smile for the man who holds the power to decide whether to rent to us.

“He’s my twin,” I quickly interject.