Page 47 of The Darkness Within

“Nothing fancy. And the paparazzi don’t care about me, so they will follow the other two around, hoping for the perfect shot.”

And he read me like a book. How did he do that?

“Okay,” I agree.

In less than a minute, we had our shoes on and were in the elevator, riding it down to the main floor. It stops and when the doors slide open, the dismissive omega from the sanctuary on the first day steps inside. She eyes me like I’m gum on the bottom of her shoe before her gaze catches on Felix, and she preens, like a bird attempting to get the attention of a mate.

“Felix,” she purrs. “How have you been? How are your alphas?”

When I tense, he steps closer to me and drapes his arm around my shoulders in a familiar way that says,this woman is important,without needing to say a word.

“We’ve been good. Happy now that we have our omega.” He gives me a blinding smile, andIalmost believe his words, and I know the truth.

She deflates, her eyes flicking over me, assessing me all over again, but this time like a threat.

Fucking great. A jealous omega.

“Omega? Wow. How–When did that happen?” Her voice is sugary sweet, but not the good kind, and her perfume smells like radioactive acid.

My nose crinkles at the stench, and I tuck myself further under Felix’s arm. At least he smells good. Angling my head into his chest, I breathe him in. Full-on nuzzling him in public.

“I had the pleasure of showing her and her brother their new apartment. I was captivated from the first moment I laid eyes on her. Who wouldn’t be? She is beautiful. And smells fucking amazing. I’ve always been a sucker for the omegas that smell like something I could eat. I’m not into that flowery scent.” He presses his face into my hair and inhales deeply, as if he can’t get enough.

I hold back a smile as her scent sours more, smelling like day-old funeral home flowers. Felix knew what he was doing because she sniffed and leaned against the far wall, her arms crossed for the rest of the ride.

When the doors slide open, the omega almost rips off the iron gate blocking the exit out of the way, and then she is gone. I laugh and attempt to pull away from Felix. But he tightens his arm around me.

“I enjoy having you in my arms,” he whispers.

Then, with his arm wrapped around me, he leads us across the lobby, oblivious to the stares we are gathering, and out on the thankfully empty street.

“Want me to call a car or are you good with walking a couple blocks?”

“Let’s walk.” I didn’t need to say more before he calls a goodbye to the doorman and guides me down the sidewalk.

We walk in silence, our hips bumping comfortably, and me soaking up his warmth and fresh ocean breeze smell. Which I’ve decided is entirely him, not some body wash he picked up. And it is almost stronger today, like he is musking. Betas don’t musk, so that isn’t possible and is entirely in my head. Still, I inhale, enjoying it.

He navigates the streets like a pro, and before long, we are standing outside the Coney Island that led me and Sin to the apartment. He holds the door for me. The jingling bell announces our arrival, and the same waitress from before smiles and calls out a greeting as we seat ourselves like the sign says to do.

Felix hands me one menu from the napkin holder, and I open it even though I’m sure I’m getting strawberry topped waffles and bacon. My stomach rumbles loudly at all the food smells, and he chuckles, looking at me over the menu.

“Sounds like you are starving. Order whatever you want,” he says.

The fact that I’ve had more food in the last few days than the previous two months combined means I could survive longer without eating. But I am not looking a gift horse in the mouth, and I’ll eat as much as they let me while I’m working for them. Like a squirrel getting ready for the winter, I’m planning on putting on some weight.

Closing the menu, I grin. When the waitress comes over, he greets her by name, like Vinny had. She fusses over him like he is her kid, before she turns her smile on me.

“What can I get you? Some of those waffles you had last time?” Her pen hovers over her notepad as my mouth falls open.

“You remember me?”

She waves her hand. “I remember all the good tippers.” She winks. “Now, what can I bring you?”

Ordering, I splurge and order the waffles with bacon and a western omelet with toast. Felix has the widest most cat that caught the canary smile on his face that I flush, which makes him grin wider.

When she turns to him, he orders enough to feed an army of alphas. Once she walks away, I eye him. “You are going to eat all that?”

“Maybe. But maybe I just got it so I can feed you.”