Page 117 of The Darkness Within


Time flieswhen you’re happy and having so much sex your head spins. I adjust the dress on my hips, allowing it to fall just right, the slight sparkle catching the light. The week went by fast. No one tells you that being in love and happy makes time move in hyper-drive.

I slide my feet into the heels that probably cost as much as rent in a normal suburb of America. At least they fit like they were made for my foot. It will make sneaking around easier. I appraise my make-up in the mirror, wiping a bit of the lipstick from the corner of my mouth. The gloss shines, making my lips look plump and sexy.

Then I pick up the mask I chose for the party. Large feathers crown the top, which will cover my forehead completely, and it obscures my nose, leaving my brown eyes lined in charcoal and my pink lips the focal point of my face. Black feathers with a mixture of blue pull out the little green that is naturally in my brown eyes. The blue matches my guys’ ties.

Straightening from the mirror, I turn toward the door and find Saint standing there watching me get ready. I flush as a smile pulls at my lips at the appreciative look shining in his eyes.

As he steps back into my room, he glances at my nest of pillows and blankets, then back at me. “We could stay in. No need to go talk to people we don’t care about.”

It had taken all week to get them to cave and say I could go to this thing. There is no way I’m backing out now. Not being this close.

I stride to him and lay my hand on his chest. “This is important for Austin’s business. All of us can suffer for a little at least.”

He snorts. “Austin is a big boy.”

“And we are his pack.” I lift an eyebrow in challenge. Not going to the party isn’t an option. It is my chance to finally finish the job they hired me for. Even if that contract is null and void.

He sighs, acting more like Felix, and relents. “A brief appearance then—”

Austin props his hand at the top of the door frame as he pops his head into the room. “Saint, as much as you hate parties, this one will be fun.”

“Fun,” Saint repeats like it is a bad word.

“I had no idea you didn’t like these things,” I say.

“Too many people in one space. They get too close and nosy.” He shivers dramatically.

My nose crinkles under the mask. “But you can fight in a ring with hundreds of people focused on you.”

He shrugs and glances at Austin. “That’s different.”

I brush past Saint and head for the hall and Austin. His eyes run down me from my head to my toes, and it makes me feel warm all over.

“You are stunning,” he says as he brings his violet eyes back to mine.

“I have to be if I’m going to be surrounded by you three.”

“I think you outshine us all,” he replies.

He backs out of the room as I approach, and I can feel myself blush from my chest up. Felix’s eyes light up when he catches sight of me, and he bounds over and sweeps me into a hug.

“My moonbeam, you look beautiful, as always.” Felix drops a kiss to my lips.

A laugh pops free from my throat. “Moonbeam?”

“Yeah, you’re right. Not that one either,” he exhales.

Austin and Saint follow us as Felix leads me to the door. My stomach flutters with excitement and a bit of trepidation that I ignore.

The drive takes a half an hour before we are pulling up outside of the Central Park Towers, the tallest building for residential homes in the United States. Also known by me as Suit tower, because every single multimillionaire and billionaire in New York City wants an apartment in this place. Well, except for my guys, I guess.

I look up, and up, and up as Saint helps me out of the car. The building towers over the ones surrounding it and has picturesque views of Central Park just a block over.

“I thought you said Valentine was having this at his house?” I ask.

“His penthouse, maybe,” Felix replies.