Page 12 of The Darkness Within

He nods, his brow furrowing in confusion. “You got one of the two bedrooms, huh?” he asks, seeking clarification.

“Yeah, right place, right time,” I lie, trying to appear nonchalant.

“I’d love to see it sometime,” he responds, sounding genuinely interested.

“Sure, after we settle in we can invite you over,” I say, though, deep down, I have no intention of following through.

The thought of encountering him again in the laundry room on a Friday night or stepping foot on the 19th floor sends a shiver down my spine. But not because he is creepy; no, it is because I just lied through my teeth to him for no reason.

Hurrying from the room after a very short goodbye, I head straight for the closest elevator to escape.

The doors slide slowly open, and I blink once, twice, then three times. Still, the dark man is still standing in the middle of the small box, his hands deep inside his slacks. His head bowed in deep thought. His clothing is more expensive than a year’s worth of rent in my new apartment. The cufflinks rival the ones from the suit outside the warehouse earlier. Of course, I would notice the material shit. My dependence on knowing how much stuff is worth is ingrained at this point.

But besides all of that, he is one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever laid eyes on. He styles his dark hair to perfection. Even his beard appears perfectly trimmed. He raises his head when I don’t immediately enter the small space with him. As I lift my gaze meeting his, he smiles a polite smile as his eyes glint with danger, the violet color of them unlike any I’ve ever seen.

Except I have. In another life, before—I step back. Pushing the flash of memories back into the box they belong, I blink. It has to be my imagination. I was young. Hecan’tbe who I imagined him to be. Not here. Not dressed to the nines and in this apartment building.

There was no way my feet were going to move and carry me into the elevator with him. Every single one of my senses is telling me to run the other way. That this man with his polite ass smile is faking it, and what he is really feeling is buried underneath. If I step into that elevator with him, I won’t exit it as the same woman I currently am. And that is crazy, so I drag in a shuddering breath and attempt to give myself a mini pep talk.

When I hesitate, he lifts a finely sculpted eyebrow, proving every one of my crazy thoughts right. I know danger when it is staring me in the face. And this alpha was the definition of it. If it weren’t for the apartment, I’d say my luck had gone down the drain, at least with strange men.

This one is almost as bad as the alpha from this morning. Was it really today? It felt like a whole different life. I couldn’t scent him from here thankfully or I might throw myself at his feet and beg him to take me.

Fucking heats when they come, they really come. At least the day or two prior, I have the warnings as my hormones go completely nuts.

“You riding? Or?” He shrugs a well-defined, blazer-clad shoulder at the spot next to him without making room for me. I eye the spot; my feelings are probably painted all over my face. It is apparent I will need to squeeze past him into that small area, which would put me within scenting range. “I don’t bite.”

He definitely does.

Just him suggesting riding and biting has slick gathering between my legs. And I back up slowly as if he is a stalking animal ready to pounce. The side of his mouth kicks up, and I half expect him to add more, but he doesn’t, he just watches me.

“Uh, I’ll catch the next one. I forgot something,” I say, looking over my shoulder.

There is no way in hell I am climbing into an elevator with someone so sinfully delicious. I am turning into a fucking puddle just thinking about it.

“I’ll hold it.” His voice washes over me like a caress, and I hold back a shiver.

Without thought and as if the hounds of hell are nipping at my heels, I spin around and push into the stairwell right next to the elevators. I don’t care if I look like a crazy person. My breaths punch out of my chest in rapid succession as I take the steps back down to my floor. They echo off of the stone walls until I push out into the hallway of my floor. Part of me expects him to give chase. Although, why would he? I am nothing but a random omega that lives in the same building as him.

Oh, God. I live in the same building as him.

Great, now I have at least two, wait, maybe three people to avoid, and I’ve only been here less than twelve hours.



“Saint–”Felix says, pure relief painted all over his face.

“Don’tSaint, me–get your ass back to the party and stop fucking around,” I order before sliding my gaze back over to the Police Chief as if I had just noticed him. The fucking man is red as a tomato and looks as if I’m stealinghisfucking toy away. I hated this plan from the start. There are other ways of keeping the bastard out of our business. “Chief, I needmybeta.”

Felix puffs up as if my words fill him with a new resolve, and then he is at my side while throwing a half-hearted, “Got to go,” over his shoulder at the chief.

As I tug him close to my side and pivot toward the exit, he hisses, “What took you so long?”

An answering grin tugs at my lips as I lower my head to him. “Are you questioning me?”

His jade-green eyes pin me with a serious look before he says, “Yes, fuck, he almost tried to murder me with his smell.”