Page 10 of The Darkness Within

The chief bursts into laughter as if he had been joking, and I had taken the bait, but I know he’d been serious. “Oh, my boy, I was teasing. I wasn’t being serious. Everyone knows he has gone straight and narrow now.”

Edward may disagree if he could. I allow a smile to form on my lips as I pretend to accept his lie. His heavy arm drops around my shoulder, and he leads me out into a side room. I am going to choke on his fucking aftershave. As it is, it feels like I sucked on a bar of soap, and it now coats my throat.

“I see the way you look at me, and I just want you to know, I would be open to a little–” He trails off as he drops his arm and walks me backward toward the wall at my back. “Friendly and physical pleasure.”

My stomach rolls. No, thank you.Play your fucking part, Felix. How much time would they need him distracted? My back hits the wall, and he boxes me in. His finger trails along my jawline, before his thumb brushes over my lower lip, catching on my lip ring. Sometimes I curse my overflowing charisma, it makes alphas lose their fucking heads like I’m an omega or something sometimes.

Now is clearly one of those moments. I try not to gag as he leans closer.

“Would you be up for that? You’re pretty for a beta,” he whispers, his gaze going from my lips back to my eyes. “And you smell good too.”

I swallow. I could not kiss this man. It would be like frenching a fucking bar of soap. As it is, my nose is burning with him this close. I duck under his arm and put space between us, turning to watch as he slowly faces me again.

“Cat and mouse, I like that game.” The huskiness of his voice sends revulsion through me. “I’ll make you feel good. Come here, little mouse.”

I roll my lips between my teeth as I remain silent. I glance at the exit. Did I give them enough time? Fuck, it would be nice if he shared the fucking plan once in a while. I know he doesn’t want me incriminated if he is caught, but if I am doing this shit, he would need to start sharing.

The door bangs open, revealing Dean as if he were a fucking avenging angel. “Felix, what the fuck are you doing in this room?”

The assertive and rolling sound of his growl settles somewhere low in my stomach.

“Saint–” I breathe.

“Don’tSaint, me–get your ass back to the party and stop fucking around,” he pauses, his attention flicking to Peter as if he just noticed him, when we both know he saw him the moment he came in. “Chief, I needmybeta.”

Have I mentioned I fucking live for the times either of them claims me verbally and openly in front of others? Because damn, it is hot.

“Got to go,” I say, barely glancing at the chief before rushing across the room to Dean. He is my savior tonight. “What took so long?” I mutter as he drapes a long, toned arm over my shoulders and walks us out of the room.

“Are you questioning me?” He grins down at me.

“Yes, fuck, he almost tried to murder me with his aftershave.”

Dean’s deep laugh washes over me, and I inhale his familiar scent, attempting to remove any trace of the chief from my lungs.

“You did good,” he murmurs against the shell of my ear.



When Felix isn’tthe one to return with the paperwork, it isn’t exactly disappointment that I feel, but it’s close. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I’ve been looking forward to seeing him again. We sign the papers and send the young female beta, Reba, on her way.

Before she left, she explained how the Sanctuary access works and where the elevator was for the roof, even though Felix had shown us. The main one doesn’t go all the way up. Once we are alone, I shove the keycard that gives us permanent access to both into my back pocket.

“Do you want to check out the rest of the amenities?” I ask.

She also mentioned a laundry area, one on the 22nd floor and another on the 12th, and I want to wash the stuff I have. I’ve checked and I have three pods left, more than enough to do the single load we need. And with it being Friday night, I’m positive not many people will be doing their laundry.

I sling my bag over my shoulder after collecting Sin’s clothes, too. He watches me, his lips pursed. “Nah, I’ll check them out another time.”

A pang of disappointment washes over me. Of course, having our own place wouldn’t break through to him. He’s been fine living on the streets, only showing a shred of concern when my heats take over. Then he sobers up and guards me as if his life depends on it. We’ve been lucky so far. Even though the suppressants aren’t working all the way, they at least make them shorter and less painful than I remember my first.

With a quick nod, I leave him in our new apartment. If I say anything, I’m afraid I’ll cry. As it is, I can smell the acrid scent of my disappointment attempting to flow off me like foul body odor.

Pulling myself together, I take the stairs up two flights and find the laundry room right where she said I would. It’s empty as expected, and I quickly start a load. The machine is high tech and can accept cards or cash. Since I don’t have a card, I use the coin dispenser to get the five bucks needed to start the washer.

Once the time flashes on the screen, telling me I have at least forty-five minutes, I head back to the stairs and take them two at a time up to the 25th floor. The door for the Sanctuary looks really secure, with a thick bulletproof-looking surface and the inner mechanics showing through. I swipe my badge and watch it slide open to another smaller circular room. As I’m shut inside, a voice comes over a speaker. “Stand in the middle of the room, arms outstretched. Hold still.”