Page 101 of The Darkness Within


Everything stops. Including my breath. Her safe word.

I blink once, twice, three times, then clamp my mouth shut and lean back in my seat.

I’m an alpha.

I don’t cry or beg, and she has made me feel like doing both. And it is all my fault. Saint is right, I am emotionally stunted. All I want to do is order the driver to take us back to the penthouse, then fly her away to the house in the country and hold her there until we work this out. It worked for Saint. The idea has merit.

The car comes to a stop, and Saint opens the door, ending the thought before it can take root. The three of them slide over the leather and out the door before I move a muscle.

Felix greets them with his trademark smile, his gaze flicking to the darkened windows of the car when I don’t follow. Saint says something following his gaze, and Felix lifts his chin in a quick nod. I rap the roof of the car indicating I’m not joining them, and Marcus closes the door and climbs back in. He lowers the shield between us a crack.

“Where to, Boss?”

“Just drive.”

He shuts the shield and pulls away from the curb. I watch my pack and the twins until I can’t see them anymore. I need to get my shit together before I lose them all.



The walkto the diner was short, and I beat them here. Instead of heading in and getting a table, I pull up the phone tracker and see that they will be here in less than a minute. The sleek black car pulls up as I drop my phone back into my jeans. Saint pushes open the door and climbs out, followed by Sin and Audrey.

Audrey smiles and throws her arms around me, nuzzling my neck in the best of ways.

“I missed you,” she murmurs.

“Not as much as I missed you.” I press a kiss to the top of her head before she steps back.

Austin is notably missing, and I study the black windows of the sedan.

“He fucked up with Audrey,” Saint leans in and tells me.

I lift my head in a curt nod. When Marcus gets out and shuts the door before getting back into the driver’s seat, I know Austin has decided not to join us. I feel torn inside. I want to ease the pain I can feel from here, but at the same time, I want to knock some sense into him. He can’t fuck this up. If we are all going to stay together, he needs to pull his head out of his ass.

As the car disappears down the street, I pull Audrey into my side and lead the way into the diner. I grab my usual spot, and Audrey slides in next to me. Saint and Sin share the opposite seat.

The conversation flows around us, as if the four of us have always eaten lunch together. It is easy and watching Audrey interact with her brother, seeing how different they are even while being twins, is interesting.

The only topic we all silently agree not to bring up is Austin. And for that moment in time, it is easy to forget that until Austin claims Audrey, none of this is real. It is all pretend. Unless we break our pack up.

Pushing that thought out, I focus on the way Audrey laughs, her head thrown back and carefree in a way she wasn’t when I first met her. Is that the difference because of our pack? Had we helped to find her happiness again?

She smiles at me as if she can hear my thoughts and then leans into my side with a content sigh. “Felix, you are the best cuddler.”

“Hey, I’m pretty sure you cuddled with me all night and didn’t complain,” Saint replies.

Sin chews his food and swallows before saying, “I really don’t want to hear anything about my sister’s sex life. Keep her happy. That is the only thing I need to know.”

Audrey grins. “You mean you don’t want to know how I took Felix’s knot?” She leans across the table, her voice lowering to a whisper as Sin groans audibly.

“Aud, gross,” he says, pushing his plate away.

She laughs, her eyes twinkling. “Pay back, Sin. I told you I didn’t want to know a single thing about your…adventures.”

“That is completely different. You never had to meet them or carry on a conversation while imagining me with them. Whereas, right now, here, this thing between you and your guys seems like a pretty forever set up. I don’t want to know what happens behind closed doors.”