Page 81 of The Darkness Within

Outside my room, Austin’s footsteps pause for a moment before moving on. I hold my breath, a surge of anticipation coursing through me. If he were to knock, I know I’d invite him in. And whatever unfolds next would shatter the roles we’ve maintained until now. Emotions and touches would become a symphony that resonates deep within, staking a claim on my very soul.

But his footsteps continue, and I exhale, disappointment mingling with the flutter in my chest. Pushing the emotion aside, I chuckle softly and shake my head, determined to bury it. I slip under the covers, arranging the pillows and extra blankets around me like a nest, finding solace in the simple embrace of the bed.

* * *

Bright light piercesthrough the floor-to-ceiling windows, announcing the arrival of morning as I’m jolted from my dreams. I squint at the blinding whiteness of the ceiling above my bed, memories of how I reached this point and everything that’s transpired since flooding back.

A part of me yearns to burrow beneath the covers, escaping into a world where my life isn’t a whirlwind of upheaval. A place where I can continue to relish in normalcy. But that’s not an option. So, I toss aside the blankets and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, making my way to the bathroom to attend to my morning routine. Then I head to the walk-in closet, opting for my usual attire—hoodie and leggings.

At least Austin got that part right when he coerced me into this living arrangement. If he had kept the closet stocked with clothes that didn’t align with my style, I would’ve stubbornly clung to my old wardrobe.

A glance at the bedside clock tells me I’m up early, regardless of how late I stayed up the previous night. Crossing to the windows, I tuck my fingers into my hoodie and look out over the parts of the river I can see. A slight fog rises off the surface, seeping into the neighborhood. It looks peaceful. If I could go out on a boat, it would calm me, but maybe going down by the water would do the same.

With the decision made, I crack the bedroom door open, revealing an empty apartment and three closed bedroom doors. My heart flutters in my chest, a blend of anxiety and anticipation. Grabbing a pen and paper from a nearby desk in the living room, I scribble a hasty note: ‘I’ll be back soon. -Audrey.’

After slipping my phone into my back pocket, I locate a pair of shoes Austin had bought for me neatly arranged by the door. With my feet snug in the shoes, I step outside, descending via the elevator. The brisk morning air graces my cheeks as I walk the short distance to the park.

The surroundings are quiet, a rare hush enveloping the usually bustling New York City. The park this early is adorned with a few joggers, a pair that exudes the air of a night spent awake, and elderly gentlemen engaged in feeding the birds. I lean against the railing, my gaze fixed on the river for an extended moment, absorbing the stillness of the morning.

The tranquility of the morning seeps into my bones, a calming balm that eases the tensions that have become an unwelcome companion. The fog ebbs and flows around me, stealing tiny distances of my vision before returning it. For a while, I allow myself to be present, absorbing the serenity of the scene before me. The water’s gentle ripples mirror the newfound calm that I’ve been yearning for.

As I stand there, leaning against the railing, a whisper of hope tiptoes into my heart. It’s been a while since I’ve allowed myself to dream of a future that doesn’t involve constant struggle and fear.

The scars of my past, both physical and emotional, have held me hostage, trapping me in a cycle of survival. But the events of the last couple of days have offered a glimpse into a different life, one where I’m not just an omega on the run, but a part of something more.

Austin, Saint, and Felix. Three men who have barged into my life in the most unexpected way. Austin, with his determined gaze and a hint of vulnerability he tries to hide. Saint, the strong and silent protector who isn’t afraid to let his emotions show. And Felix, the flirtatious spark that ignites laughter amid chaos. Each of them offering a promise of a future I never thought I deserved.

A soft sigh escapes my lips as I lean a little more against the railing, absorbing the warmth of the morning sun on my skin. In this quiet moment, surrounded by the simple beauty of nature, I allow myself to believe in the possibility of happiness again. The hope of a real future, one that includes love, laughter, and a sense of belonging that I thought was lost forever.

Feeling lighter than I have in years, I push off the railing. It’s time to go back and admit that I belong with them. If I let this chance slip away, I’ll forever be haunted by the nagging ‘what if’s.’

En route, I swing by the bakery close to our apartment and grab a selection of pastries. While waiting, I shoot a quick text to Sinclair, assuring him of my safety. He might not have even noticed my absence yet, but I want to spare him any unnecessary worry.

With the bag of pastries in hand, I make my way back to my trio.

My trio.

The phrase sends a warm flutter through my chest. As I stand there, thoughts racing, I nibble nervously on my lower lip. The elevator seems to take an eternity, but finally, it opens onto the penthouse floor. A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth as I realize I don’t possess a key. A hesitant anticipation bubbles within me as I weigh the idea of knocking or waiting for someone to realize I’m here.

Unable to contain the building excitement, I raise my fist and knock. The door swings open as if Saint had been standing on the other side waiting for my knock. He has his keys in hand and is dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, a robin blue henley, and a pair of Nikes. If he didn’t also have his half a million dollar pair of sunglasses on his head, he’d look like a middle class guy going about a normal day.


I smile and hold up the pastry bag. “I brought breakfast.”



Audrey’sscent envelops me as I emerge from my room. It’s like stepping into comfort, into familiarity. The sight of her wide-open door tells me she’s not in there. I search the living room next, but it’s deserted, just like the kitchen. Disappointment tightens my chest, a heavy feeling I can’t shake.

She’s left, likely while we were all asleep.

It’s only logical. If I were in her shoes, trapped somewhere against my will, I’d do the same. Deflated, I drag myself to the kitchen, my hope dwindling. But then a piece of paper on the island catches my eye. It’s a note, simple and reassuring. She’s gone for now, but she’ll be back. She didn’t run from us. Some of the tightness eases, maybe she just needed air.

Saint emerges from his room, his hair slightly disheveled the way I like it, his expression a mixture of confusion and concern. I have the note between my fingers, and the devil in me pops up, urging me to let him believe what he wants for a moment.

“She’s not in her room,” I offer, my voice casual.