Page 73 of The Darkness Within

I don’t risk looking at any of them as I turn on my heel and flee into the false safety of my bedroom.

In a haze, I toss my stuff into a bag. After gathering it all, I slip the clothing that still smells like each of them into the top. My heart hurts, and the fucking ache between my legs reminds me of my stupidity, while the tingle of the mark on my neck promises pain as it fades with my next heat.

This is exactly what I get for trusting an alpha. They are all rotten. Every. Single. One. Of. Them.

Looping the backpack over my shoulder, I look around the room that had been mine for only a few nights really but still felt like home. What a pretty lie. One I would have held onto until the bitter end.

Pasting on a bland look, I turn back to the door, finding Felix in my way.

“Don’t go,” he says. Emotion shines in his eyes, and I blink as mine tries to rise to match his. I will not cry. Not for him. Not for any of them.

“You heard Austin, the contract is void. I have no reason to stay.”

His mouth opens and closes. “He wants you to stay, too.”

I laugh, little humor in the sound. “Does he? I’m pretty sure saying I can leave means he doesn’t want me here.”

“Audrey, please, you are our scent match. You belong with us,” he pleads. It breaks my heart because they are empty words. None of it means a thing. He just wants to own me.

“I belong to myself, Felix. Now, please move,” I say, gesturing at his whole body blocking my way.

“That isn’t what I meant. I’ll prove it to you. Audrey, you are going to break me if you go.”

My heart thumps, and I blink, forcing the fucking useless tears away. “Move.”

He folds his lips between his teeth and runs a frustrated hand through his bright hair, but he moves, and I slip past him like a ghost. Without looking at the other two watching me, I head for the door. The need to be away from all of them before I collapse and give into every single emotion battering inside of me. I’m in the elevator headed back to my brother’s apartment, no, my apartment, in less than thirty seconds.

As the doors shut, I slump against the mirror at my back. Memories of the previous day and them marking me with their scent invade my thoughts, and I don’t have the strength to push them away, so I embrace them. The little things, like the way Austin’s eyes dilated as he made sure I smelled like him, or the way Saint’s hard face slightly softened as he reluctantly touched me, and the absolute adoration that was in Felix’s gaze.


Tears fall, rolling down my face and dripping from my chin as my heart breaks. How have I fallen so quickly? Swiping my hand roughly over my cheeks, I push off the wall as the doors slide open on my floor. When I reach my apartment, I try to compose myself before I slide the key into the hole. It is so early that Sin was probably asleep, so I shouldn’t have to worry about him seeing me like this.

Pushing the door open, I find the apartment empty. I’d worry if I didn’t know he could take care of himself. Well, kind of. He is still messy as hell, and I use it as an excuse to ignore the emotions and shove them into the box I keep all the unwanted shit. Hours later, when the door swings open, I’ve cleaned the whole tiny space from top to bottom.

Sin eyes me and then the apartment. He looks sober.

“What are you doing here, Aud?”

“They voided the contract. I’m free.” I rub the orange couch cushion and don’t look directly at him. “We can keep the apartment.”

He sighs. “What did the fuckers do?”

I lower my brow and pick at a stray thread on the couch. “Nothing.”

“For fuck's sake, Aud, you look like you’ve been through a fucking hurricane of emotions. It doesn’t look or feel like nothing. Do I need to beat some ass?”

I choke on a laugh as I bring my eyes back to him. “Beat some ass? Really, Sin?”

“I can fight. I might be an omega, but that doesn’t make me weak.”

Nodding, I give him that. “You don’t need to do anything. They did nothing to me I didn’t consent to.”

“Aud,” he breathes as he drops to the couch next to me. He tugs his leg up and faces me. Then he is comforting me in a way he hasn’t in a very long time.

It’s all it takes to unleash the storm of pain, and I cling to my brother as I sob, releasing every bit of my broken heart.

He murmurs soft words that mean nothing and rubs my back, letting me get it all out. When I release a hiccupped breath, he pulls back and brushes a strand of hair away from my wet face before wiping away the shed tears.