Page 41 of The Darkness Within


He nips my neck, and I yelp in surprise. Although I shouldn’t be, I had ignored a direct question from him.

“He–” I start, my gaze landing on Audrey’s door again.

Austin follows my line of sight and swears. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

I roll my lip ring between my teeth and play with the barring. He isn’t looking for an answer.

When he storms across the floor to her bedroom, I follow. The door rattles on its hinges as he tosses it open. A growl so fierce it rumbles the floor beneath my feet erupts from Austin like a dormant volcano getting ready to blow its top.

“What the fuck are you doing?” His question flows over me, making me shiver.

Saint’s answering rumble comes from inside the room.

Fuck. They are going to get territorial over the omega.

Her room smells so bakery sweet, it makes my mouth water, so I can only imagine what they could smell. Saint bundled Audrey into a blanket burrito and wrapped her in his arms. He tugs her closer to his chest, and she snuggles into his neck, eliciting another possessive growl from Austin.

“Get out of the fucking bed, Saint.” Austin’s command makes us both tense.

“She’s in heat,” he replies, like it isn’t obvious that is what is happening. Although I did honestly think there would be sex. Lots and lots of sex.

I can’t give her a knot, but I could give her orgasms, and I’ve heard those help with the pain. I step forward, and Austin slaps a firm hand to my chest.


My feet root to the spot, and my sweats tent. Need slams into me. My breath catches. What the fuck was that? Even with Austin’s command echoing in my ears, I take another step. The sweet perfume of her pheromones is like a hit of cocaine to my system, and I want more.

I inhale, filling my lungs to the brim with her. Mixed with my alphas, it is intoxicating. Leather and citrus, a crisp fall morning with spice, and her fresh from the oven sweet scent of brownies. All of it is enough to make me feel as if I’m home.

“Need…” she murmurs, and it forces another step toward her from my legs that are so confused they don’t know who to listen to.

“Felix.” It is all warning and command.

And I try to listen to the meaning behind my name.Back off, do not engage.But fuck, I’m only a beta. How the fuck am I supposed to resist the plea in her voice?

His hand lands on my shoulder as he follows me into the room. A scent cloud of a crisp fall morning in an apple orchard spreads around us, making me light-headed.

Austin clenches his jaw and his tendon pops, while his nostrils flare to breathe in her pheromones like the drug they are. I’m sure my irises are as blown as wide as his. The violet and gold are nearly nonexistent as he focuses on her.

“Saint, get your ass out of her bed.Now.”

I give him credit as he tries, but she’s like a spider monkey, clinging to him through the blankets. Her arms are secured around his chest, and I’m pretty sure she has at least one leg curled around one of his. Saint’s low purr fills the room when she whines. He settles back into the mattress, and she drapes herself over him, breaking free of the blanket just enough to flash us her bare leg to the top of her thigh as she wraps it around him.

He groans, and his hands land on what I assume is her ass beneath the covers. His fingers flex, and she grinds into him. She is completely a being of need and lust. We aren’t very far behind, if I’m honest.

“Kitten, shhh, we can’t,” Saint says. He brushes a strand of hair that had fallen over her face. He presses his lips to her forehead, and she whines again.

It sure looks like we can with the way she is dry humping him. I glance at Austin, and his face is so stoney I think his jaw is going to break.

“Felix, call Dr. Stephens. Tell her to bring the suppressant injection.” I don’t want to. I want to climb into the bed with Saint and Audrey and encourage actual sex. “Now.”

The command finally yanks me out of the haze of lust that had descended, and I pull out my phone, dialing that doctor. Injections aren’t the best way to avoid a full-blown heat, but it suppresses them until the time isbetter, as if there is a better time to go into a need-filled, sex driven, heat.

“Keep her calm,” Austin commands, and then he is tugging me from the room and shutting the door between us. An alpha not giving into their baser instincts is unheard of, but two? I’m pretty sure, until today, it was a myth.

When the door shuts between us, I drag in a breath that is only Austin, fall and spice. It always reminds me of cold fall days spent next to the fire or the impossibly sunny fall days that are perfect with the stunning blue skies that go on and on. And the lazy picnics at an apple orchard that are just so cozy. Just crisp enough that your cheeks are pink but not so chilly you need a jacket. It centers me, like it always does.