Page 36 of The Darkness Within

Felix chokes on a laugh as she spins on her heel and stomps across the room toward the exit. I pause as he follows her, my gaze on Austin.

“We will talk about it later,” he sighs after she exits the room. “Go before the little devil has a full-blown heat in the middle of the city.”

I nod and turn to go.

“Saint–” he calls after me. “Don’t fuck her.”

I snort. “I have control of myself, I’m not impulsive like you.”

“You haven’t faced anything as tempting as her. You have to be strong.”

His words tell me three things. One, he’s tempted. Two, he is afraid of falling. Three, he thinks that if I fold, he will have no other option but to follow.

* * *

The car rideback to the apartment is silent. As soon as we enter the elevator, she presses the button for the nineteenth floor. I share a look with Felix and lean back against the mirror.

When the doors slide open, she steps out, and we follow. “What are you doing?” she asks.

“Visiting your brother, I assume,” I reply.

“No, that is what I’m doing.”

Felix shrugs and falls into step next to her. “Rules. Austin wants someone with you at all times. So, here we are.”

“You aren’t coming in.”

“I’m hurt. I thought we were friends,” Felix says.

She stops and faces both of us. “You both are perfectly fine. But I need to talk to my brother. Alone.”

“We will stay outside.” I tilt my head to see if she is agreeable.

She says nothing but turns and starts heading down the hall again. When she reaches the door, she knocks loudly. In a few seconds, her brother is swinging the door wide. He smiles when he sees his sister, but tenses when he spots me.


She pushes past him and pulls him out of the doorway without answering him and shuts the door between us.

“Austin really riled her up,” Felix says.

“I think her heat riled her up. Austin was just there.”

He takes a second look at the shut door and leans against the wall across from it while I take my position next to it.

“Heat? Fuck. Austin picked a stellar time to reel her in.”

“She is going to need an alpha if she doesn’t want to be in pain for days.”

He knew that, but I felt like I had to voice it. The idea of her in pain doesn’t sit well with me. If not for the clause in the contract, I would offer myservices. I wasn’t one for casual sex, but I also would not force her to go through that.

“Austin will not risk his plan and allow her to find relief with some random alpha.”

I blow out my cheeks and kick my foot up on the wall behind me. “I know. But it won’t be a random alpha, it will be me.”

An unexpected laugh pops from his mouth before he doubles over, laughing like a lunatic. He glances up, shakes his head, and devolves into even more laughter.

“God, Saint, you really are trying to take one for the team. I bet it feels like a realsacrifice,” he gasps out the words between chuckles, tears streaming his red face.