Page 18 of The Darkness Within

I put myself right in his path. My blood runs cold and air freezes inside my lungs.

Shit. How am I going to get out of this?

“We need to have a little chat.”

I scrabble off of him, my ass finding purchase on the seat situated across from him, the privacy window still firmly in place. My attention drops to his slacks. The clear outline of his cock runs down the left side. Heat floods my cheeks as I tear my eyes away, and they slam into his sparkling violet orbs.

It had definitelynotbeen a flashlight molding into my skin. And I undoubtedly had his DNA beneath my nails, because he had four perfect scratches down the right side of his previously flawless face. At least if I died, they could trace it back to the bastard.

“About that chat.” He quirks an eyebrow in question.

Slick floods my center, and I clench my legs together. God, I hate being an omega. Folding my arms over my chest, I watch him. Which might be a bad idea because the more his pheromones fill up the car, the more likely I am to throw myself at his feet.

“Are you turning me in? Or taking me some place to torture me?” That has to be it. I glance out the darkened windows, but it only appears as if we are doing a lap around Central Park.

He chuckles, low and deep, and a stupid whine answers him from my throat. Can I disappear?

The corner of his mouth kicks up. “No, my little omega, I have a proposal for you. You are a skilled pickpocket, and I need a thief.”

“I don’t–”

He waves his hand in the air between us as if my objections are merely a fly he can shoo away. “I know your situation. Until a few days ago, you and your brother were living in a dirty warehouse. But then, as luck would have it, you stole this watch.” He draws out a Rolex that looks exactly like the one I pawned. No, it can’t be. Without thinking, I snatch it from his fingers, flipping it over to see A.Z. engraved in the metal at the back. What are the odds? “And the tracker inside? Vinny trailed you until an opportunity arose. Then you were exactly where I needed you.”

As he speaks, the blood drains from my head, and I feel dizzy. Sin knew it was too good to be true. Any remaining anger flees like the coward it is, as a mixture of anxiety and untimely desire spikes through my veins.

My throat is parched as I whisper, “What do you want?”

“I thought you’d never ask.” He pauses, tapping his fingers on his leg, bringing attention to his hard-on again.

My scent is blooming between us, and I am transfixed as he inhales deeply and holds it as if savoring the smell. My head feels like I have put it on backward because this reaction to him could not be normal.

“I’m not sleeping with you.” The words come out threaded with the need to do just that.

“I don’t bed omegas.”

His reply hits me in the gut, leaving a sick feeling behind. Licking my lips, I swallow. “Good.”

He smiles, that fake one from the elevator, the one that says I have you where I want you. “You will have to act like my omega in public, for appearances and to get you into the places we need you.”

“If I refuse?” Becausethatwould be such a bad idea for my current state.

“You won’t.”

That’s it. He is so sure of himself. He doesn’t even look at me as he says it, his eyes instead focused on the park passing on our right. His jawline pulses as if he is clenching his teeth, yet he gives off the air of being unbothered and sure of himself. It is so at odds, I narrow my eyes on the tendon as it jumps again. He is for sure clenching his pretty white molars together.

Slowly, he pins me with a look I can’t read. “You see, I imagine that since you are the one out on the streets each day, stealing your way through life, that your twin is important to you. You protect him. Let him go out and party each night with the money you steal. Come home in the wee hours after doing God knows what in those clubs. Only for you to support him.”

He leans forward across the space, bringing his tantalizing scent closer, enveloping me like a hug. My mouth pops open, but not even a whimper comes out. And thank fuck for that.

“I can help you with that, and you won’t need to steal to keep that little slice of heaven you’ve found.” He inhales, and his eyes drop shut as I catch a glimmer of something that looks like desire. “Well–you won’t have to steal on the streets, that is.”

He shrugs like that makes all the difference, and it probably does to him. A high-class thief is better than a pickpocket in his eyes, I am sure. I wet my lips again, and his attention drops to them, making my pulse thunder through my ears.

I don’t know what to ask. My vocal cords feel frozen. Butterflies dance in my empty stomach at the idea of spending more time with this alpha. I slide my clammy palms down my jeans to my knees and lean forward.

Can I do this? He doesn’t know who I am. That is apparent.

“How would we fool anyone into thinking I was your omega if I didn’t smell like you?”