Page 16 of The Darkness Within

“And how do you plan on getting the omega to help us?”

“Simple.” I lift my shoulders carelessly. “We know she is a thief. I’m going to put myself in her path with something for her to steal. And then I’m going tocatchher, and we are going to have a little chat, come to an agreement that she won’t be able to refuse.”

“Or you could justaskher.” He laughs.

“But then she can decline,” I reply. “I need the little omega in a position she can’t refuse.”

“You really are a bastard.”

“How do you think I got to where I am in life?” As we pass Garrett Quinn, I slip him the envelope I returned to the apartment for. In one smooth motion, he folds it and slips it into his blazer. It is a check large enough to ensure his cooperation when the time comes. I expect he will be a key player.

“Have you thought that maybe you could buy heragreementwith money? If she is stealing, it is probably to make a living. Maybe if you say, hey, help me and you live in this tiny ass apartment for free for as long as you want.”

I come to a stop and turn toward Dean, aka Saint, his suggestion proving how he got his fucking nickname.

“Thisomegastole from me in plain daylight. She isn’t getting off easy. The fact she slipped past my security and got close enough to swipe not only my wallet but a cufflink—a really fucking expensive cufflink last week, means she owes me. And if there is one thing I’m good at, it is extracting payment.”

He sighs heavily, and I ignore him as we pass Jason Vanross. I slip him another envelope. Soon the painting will grow legs and fucking walk into my office. Maybe I won’t need the girl after all.

“Jason? Really? That guy is an actual bastard. He’s into some shady shit.”

“Which is why we need him for this. Getting into the safe won’t be easy. If we have Garrett, a master lock picker. The omega, our little thief. And Jason, the man that knows the layout of the building, and maybe even holds some keys to the apartments. It will be a fast and easy run.”

“Fast and easy,” he repeats, doubt threading through his words.

I snort and then nod at the mayor as we pass by her. “Yes.Fast and easy.”

He shakes his head, and I know he is dropping the conversation for now. We are really exposed here, so that's great news. As we pass the drink table, he swipes two long stem glasses from the surface and hands me one.

Eyeing Felix as he does his thing and the girl blushes furiously in front of him. I can’t help but feel possessive. Had I sent him over there to do just that? Yes. Do I want to rip him away and take him home? Also yes. But business comes first.

“Did you talk to the girl when you ran into her?” Dean pulls me from my dangerous thoughts.

I poke my tongue into my cheek, remembering my first up close and personal look at her. I had been going over the plan in my head as the elevator rose to the penthouse suite, one of our many homes, but my favorite because of the view of the river. Floor-to-ceiling windows looked out over the wide choppy river.

But as the door had slid open, I barely noticed until no one came on. Then I lifted my gaze, only to feel like someone had punched me in the stomach with the force of her deep brown eyes staring at me. I pasted on a smile and said something about her getting in the elevator.

Even though my body had started to react to her nearness with her still in the hall. If she got close enough to smell, I might not have made it back to the party and that would have been a terrible decision.

Control is what people knew me for, and there is no way in hell I am going to admit out loud that when she turned and ran, I almost gave chase. Her lean form fleeing me had almost made me feel feral. I could tell she needed to eat more because she was skin and bones. A deal with me would give her security, food, and anything else she would need. And she wouldn’t have to roam the streets to steal for it.

“No,” I say, pulling myself back to the present. “She ran from me.”

“Shit, did you glower?”

“I smiled.”

He chuckles. “Even worse.”

I roll my eyes but don’t reply. I smile, just rarely. It isn’t my fault I am predisposed to a serious nature.

“So when do you plan on putting your terrible plan into place?”

I glance over at him, but he is focused on Felix, every line in his body built with tension. But the omega isn’t going to steal him away, and although Carmichael doesn’t like his sister talking with our beta, he hasn’t made a move to stop him.

“Monday morning if she goes out. Vinny will be near to follow her and find out where she will be. I’ll make it even easier this time and be security detail free.”

His eyebrows rise, and he looks at me. “Are you sure that is a good idea?”