He goes on to say that Huck and Brittany Manson were under investigation for cybercrimes and domestic terrorism. It’s believed that the couple was targeted by an assassin before they could be arrested.
“This isn’t an isolated incident, the enemy only getting started,” Benton says with a certainty I find unsettling.
MY HUSBAND EXPLAINS TO whoever might be listening that he and his colleagues are inside a SCIF at Secret Service headquarters in Washington, D.C. They’re connected by a blockchain-protected link to my Biosafety Level 4 trailer here in Alexandria, what we refer to as the REMOTE. Or a SCIF that’soperational, Benton can’t resist the pun.
“The United States and our allies are under attack on multiple fronts, and this is about to worsen exponentially,” he says. “The biggest threat is Russia’s invisible influence over those in our own backyard who buy into disinformation without having a clue where it’s coming from. American citizens turning violent as we saw on January sixth when the Capitol was under siege.”
“Neighbors, friends, colleagues, even family members. It could be anyone who becomes radicalized,” says the Secret Service’s director of counterterrorism. His name is Bart Clancy, in his forties and as physically imposing as Marino.
“The power of propaganda,” says Aiden Wagner, the press secretary. Young and intense, he’s a former journalist, and I’m getting an uncanny feeling.
They’re pulling us into something, and we’re not going to have a choice about it.
“Words can hurt,” Aiden is saying. “They might even wipe out our planet if we’re not careful …”
This isn’t good.A warning begins flashing in my head.
“The goal is the destruction of democracy by a shadow army that for years the Kremlin has sworn doesn’t exist. We now can be certain of the driving force behind it,” Benton says, looking directly at me, and my bad feeling gets worse. “The Kremlin’s mastermind in its secret private military, the psychopathic wizard behind the curtain.”
He informs us that yesterday a video was posted on the Dark Web, an encrypted network used almost exclusively by criminals. As he’s talking, his eyes are intensely on me alone.
Something is very wrong.
“The timing’s not coincidental. And regrettably, what you’re about to learn won’t be pleasant. But you need to know the truth for your own good,” he adds. “These cases and other events are connected to something much bigger.”
“What truth? And what the hell do you mean,for our own good?” Marino places a plastic bucket under the autopsy table. “What’s this got to do with the doc and me …?”
“Just listen, and all will become clear soon enough.” It’s the CIA’s director of clandestine services, Gus Gutenberg, talking in his quiet voice.
He’s somewhere in his fifties, with thinning gray hair and a neatly trimmed beard. Colorless like a moth, he’s dressed in a gray suit, a white shirt and gray tie. He knows how to draw little attention to himself while taking in everything around him like a dish antenna. Often in meetings I forget he’s present.
“Doctor Scarpetta, it was but a few months ago when you had cases related to the domestic terrorist group known as The Republic.” He polishes his rimless glasses with a cleaning cloth.
“That’s correct.” I’m busy finding syringes and hypodermic needles in a cabinet, setting up my surgical cart the way I like it.
“Proxy terrorism,” Gus says. “The Russians, other enemy nations don’t need to step foot on U.S. soil to recruit Americans. And there’s nothing more effective than another American luring them. Someone who understands the way Americans think and feel. Someone who’s completely indoctrinated in all things Russian.”
“I’m assuming you’re going to tell us the Mansons were involved with this psychopathic wizard you’re talking about.” Marino sprays down every surface with disinfectant.
“Unbeknownst to them, yes. It’s one of many reasons we didn’t arrest the Mansons sooner,” Benton answers. “They were giving us important intel without realizing it, as cocky and self-focused as they were. And in return, we were able to manipulate them in certain ways.”
“It’s sounding like this might be why they got whacked.” Marino places a stack of towels on a cart. “The bad guys decided Huck and Brittany were a problem that needed solving.”
“That’s part of it.” Benton is making notes in his legal pad.
“What I call urban renewal,” Marino says to our pantheon of federal officials on the video screens. “Good riddance is what I say. It’s really disgusting to think of all the times I’ve been shopping at Wild World, not knowing my money was going to dirtbag assholes.”
“The Mansons were doing the Russians’ bidding by helping fund domestic terrorism,” says Elena Roland with the National Security Agency.
In her thirties, she’s always smartly dressed and wearing makeup. When I’m in meetings with her I feel like a frump by comparison.
“They were supplying equipment that includes camping and hunting gear, firearms, ammunition, tools,” she’s saying. “The very things they sell through their retail business. Wild World is a supply depot for domestic terrorism and a front for money laundering. That’s its real purpose.”
“Damn, I hate that we ever got an account there,” Marino remarks, and I couldn’t agree more now that we’re hearing the details.
“This type of assistance has enabled The Republic to grow at an alarming rate,” Benton says as I continue wondering why.