“I’ve called some. Nobody I talked to was available yet. And I want to get back on the street ASAP.”

Eddie Tarr and his red sedan were out there somewhere.

“So.” He lifted his palms. “Here I am.”

“Our report will go to the accident review board. You’re—”

“Familiar? Yes.”

“The board’ll determine if there’s been a breach of procedure. And if there has been, what action should be taken. Now, I saidthis wasn’t a criminal case, but there’s the possibility it could become one. Badges from the local house’ve run the scene, canvassing. That’s a separate thing. If the facts warrant, the findings’ll be referred to the DA’s office. So, two investigations. You follow?”

What was there not to? “Yes.”

“Now, you have the right against self-incrimination in thecriminalinvestigation. But since this, here, is administrative, we can compel you to talk to us. If you don’t, you’ll be subject to department discipline. Failure to cooperate.”

“Okay. But what I say here can’t be used in any criminal investigation.”

Garner nodded with a smile. “Ifthere is one. Correct.”

Pulaski noted that Garner hadn’t asked him if it was all right to record. There was probably some fine print in thePatrolman’s Handbookthat said when you signed on, you consented to having red-eyed space monsters record your statements.

“Okay, all that crap’s out of the way. In your own words, tell me what happened.” Then the detective gave a half smile. “Though who the hell else’s words’d you use?”

Pulaski didn’t laugh, but the IA cop’s comment took a bit of the tension out of the room. He took a breath. “Okay, I was driving back up to Lincoln Rhyme’s town house after checking out a lead to a case I’m running for Major Cases. And this SUV just wasthere.Just appeared. I didn’t even get to the brake. Just bang.” He fell silent, seeing the vehicle, hearing the sound.

“Do you recall how fast you were going?”

“Not really, maybe forty.”

“What was the speed limit?”

“Last sign I saw was thirty-five.”

“But you’re not sure that’s what it was when the collision occurred.”

“I … No, I’m not sure. No.”

“Do you remember where exactly in the intersection theaccident occurred? I mean, was the other vehicle in the right or the center turn lane of Halmont?”

“I don’t know.”

Garner consulted a sheet of paper.

“You were on your mobile. That’s what the phone logs show.”

“Yes, I was. Crime Scene in Queens had called. Question about a scene I’d run earlier in the day.”

“Where were you on Parker exactly when you got the call?”

“I don’t really remember. I’d guess fifty feet from the intersection.”

“Now you’re approaching Halmont. How many pedestrians did you see in the intersection?”

“I don’t remember. I wasn’t paying attention.”

“And cars?”

“Again, no clue.”