
“Could be a pro job. Double tap, chest, then face. Vacant lot, Lower East Side.”

“What was he doing there?”

“No idea. Supervisor doesn’t know either. No wits and the respondings said his wallet, cash and car keys—to a new Lexus—were on him. The car was there too.”

“And his caseload?”

“Some minor OC stuff. A jacking or two. Some missing shipping containers. Then what we’re working together: Structures and Engineering.”

“Where’s Pulaski?”

“He’s on his way to you right now.”

“Text me the address of the Gilligan scene. Pulaski too.”

“You got it. Oh, and Linc. I talked with Ron about what you and me were saying? He’s okay with it.”

“Good to know.”

The men disconnected and Rhyme ordered his phone to call Pulaski.

One ring later: “Lincoln. I’m on my way—”

“There’s a scene I need you to run. Lon’s texting you the address.”

“The crane case?”

“No. It’s Andy Gilligan. Looks like a professional tap.”

The officer was silent. “Kind of a coincidence …”

“What is?”

“The DSE theft—documents about the city’s infrastructure. Maybe Unsub 89’s the shooter. He wanted the files for the crane attacks. Gilligan got a lead and Eighty-Nine tipped to him, took him out. What do you think?”

“Only one way to find out.”

“Run the scene.”

“Call in with what you find.”



An easy job.

Guard duty, basically, but even easier.

Guarding something nobody would want.

Dennis Chung, a twenty-eight-year-old patrol officer out of a neighboring precinct house, had been one of the uniforms picked to keep an eye on the wreckage at the jobsite on 89th Street.

In regulation blues and a wool jacket, the slim, fit officer was standing near the police-line tape at the north side of the site. The crane had fallen in this direction and taken out all the fencing, two bulldozers, two flatbeds and a shitload of supply pallets. Plaster and concrete dust were everywhere.

Chung’s job was easy, yes, but he still had to be on top of his game. The nobody-would-want part referred to the fact that all the valuable supplies that thieves might walk off with had been secured on the other side of the site, near the main entrance. If you were inclined to perp a sheet of plasterboard or two, you couldfind some here, but why risk getting collared for what you could get at Home Depot for twenty bucks?