Page 109 of The Watchmaker's Hand

A laugh.

Boyd’s legislation would be a massive overhaul of the country’s roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, railroads and the like. Improving safety and employing tens of thousands of workers.

Opponents, all of them vehement, said that bill might bankrupt the country.

Talese was looking down at the bird’s-eye maple coffee table.

Boyd: “You’ve read the drafts. What do you think?”

“In theory, it might work.”

With a coy tone in his voice, the president said, “I’ve heard some feedback … Off the record, of course. You like the idea.”

Wheredidthe man get his intelligence?

“Edward, help me get this off the ground.”

“Mr. President …”

Boyd leaned forward. “Your clean water legislation? I’ll make sure it happens.”


That would be a miracle …

The senator sighed. “Dinner the other night? I mentioned that the water bill was coming in at one point two billion. And Sammi said, ‘Guess somebody left the faucet running.’”

A chuckle. “We need more twelve-year-olds in Congress.”

Just like Boyd to know the names and ages of his oppo’s grandchildren.

“I vote for it, it’ll be the end of my career.”

“Ah, you’re not up for four years. Voters’ll forget.”

“My party won’t. After this term I won’t be able to get any job short of dogcatcher.”

Talese looked out the window as the sun cast its relentless light on the magnificent city.

Not impulsive as a politician, not impulsive as a husband or father or grandfather, Senator Edward Talese of New York did not act impulsively now. His quick mind ordered facts and consequences and said, “I’ll do it, sir. You’ve got my vote.”

Dogcatcher …

The president rose quickly and took Talese’s hand in both of his.

“I’ve been thinking of a title for when I write my autobiography,” the senator mused. “Or, when my ghostwriter does. I’ve got it now:The Devil’s Bargainer.”

The president laughed his famous laugh.

The two walked to the door.

Talese said, “That movie? The one where the two ambassadors got nuked? At least they avoided World War Three. That was something.”


LINCOLN RHYME’S EMAILinbox flashed with a Zoom request to join a meeting five minutes from now.

The host was the homeless billionaire Willis Tamblyn.