Every evening, when I kiss Naomi goodbye at her door or mine, I go to sleep reliving the tight pull of her body around my dick, the sharp slap of our hips, the kissing that goes on and on, as well as the laughter and late-night talks after our sweaty sessions between the sheets. There are a lot of benefits to our arrangement. Including the fact that she still torments me every morning, but in different ways.

For a change, she’s behindmein line. This has become our new normal. We don’t flaunt our friends-with-benefits status publicly like we did at the fair, but she likes the access she has to my neck and ears. Private places she can tease.

She’s so close, hovering at my back, that my skin sizzles. “You have a phenomenal ass, Lewis.”

My ass flexes in reply. This woman’s voice is pure eroticism. “Must be all my recent calisthenics. I’ve been working out a lot lately.” With her in my bed. On my couch. On the hallway floor and kitchen counter.A lotof working out the past weeks.

She hums contentedly. “I’ve heard the weather might turn tonight. Things are already getting reallywet.”

I grunt. It’s not fair. She excels at pushing my buttons, whether driving me nuts or turning me on. Naomi James forever has the upper hand.

She inches close enough that the softness of her breasts presses to my rigid back. “Avett,” she whispers.

A twinge grips my sternum at her breathy voice. I’ve heard her utter my name plenty lately, in shouts of passion and teasing quips. I’m not sure what’s different this time, but the twinge spreads, traveling upward until my throat feels thick. “Yeah?”

“I can’t believe I’m about to say this, but…”

She’s staying. She’s not going adventuring. The sudden wish is so intense, so forceful, I can barely breathe.

“The line moved,” she finishes.

I blink, floored I didn’t notice. I, Avett Lewis, regimented routine lover and hater of poor line etiquette, just let the gap widen without so much as a leg twitch.

Immediately, I close the space. Naomi laughs. I eject my ridiculous fantasy of her staying. Sure, I’ll miss these benefits. We’ve become incredibly close in a short time, but life goes on. When she leaves, I won’t do ghastly things like let a gap widen when waiting in line. This past weekend, I slept in for fuck’s sake. I was so tired from our exertions that I woke up at seven. Not six. I turned off both alarms and sunk deeper into my sheets and spent the rest of the day playing catch up.

Not only will her departure be okay, it will be good.

I’ll get my life and routine back.

We order and gather our coffees, then she winks at me. “Looking forward to thewetweather tonight.” The vixen saunters out the door, fully aware of how her sensual hips knock the sense out of my head.

Ricky strides in as she leaves and joins me. “You two are both smiling like you’ve been given the lowdown on a horse race and are about to rake in millions.”

“That’s a very specific analogy.”

“I also heard Mrs. Jackson was ahead of you in line and you didn’t close the gap.”

Ladies and gentlemen, the legendary Windfall gossip mill.

He presses the back of his hand to my forehead. “You feeling okay?”

I smack his hand away. “I’m fantastic.”

I’ll be even better in a week when Naomi’s gone and I no longer invite town scrutiny. I prefer flying under the radar to inviting gossip. But that thickness returns to my throat, the uncomfortable pinching in my sternum lingering.

Ricky runs his tongue over his teeth, assessing me so closely, I glance away. “You’re in love with her.”

I rear back. “What the fuck, man?”

“Am I wrong?”

“Dead wrong.” I may like Naomi a hell of a lot, but love is an entirely different beast. “We have an arrangement. That’s it. When she’s gone, we’re done.”

“Wow. Dude. I didn’t realize someone as pragmatic as you could live in this level of denial.”

My lip curls. “I didn’t realize you have a doctorate in annoying me.”

He waves me off. “I’ve known you for years, my friend. Love is love and you’re glowing with it.”