She sighs, then stiffens. “Don’t you get motion sickness?”

She’s likely thinking of the school trip where I had to shove my head out the bus window and painted the side with the burger I’d eaten. That fun event was courtesy of food poisoning, not motion sickness. A fact I could share with Naomi, but what’s the fun in that?

“I’ll only puke if we spin more than a few times.”

“Um.” She tries to stand and get out, but I manhandle her into my arms. “Avett, if you get sick anywhere near me, I’ll get sick too. Then I’ll murder you.”

“But it’s not a sure thing. I might be fine.”

“Yeah, no.” She squirms in my grip. “Let me out of here.”

I lock her against my chest, laughing into her ear. “Promise I’ll aim the other way.” I debate dragging out this game, pretending I’m ill while we’re spinning, but my nose is in her hair again and we’re pressed so damn close, on this one-time date of ours. I give her ear a lick. “I don’t get motion sickness. I just like messing with you.”

Her breath catches. She slides her hand over the growing bulge in my shorts, the seductive move hidden by the cart walls. “I guess that’s our thing, isn’t it?”

I’m not sure if she’s referring to us flirting playfully or us enjoying tormenting each other. Likely both these days. “Being friends with you is an adventure.”

Unfortunately, not enough of one to keep her in Windfall.

The ride kicks on, spinning us in a slow circle. Naomi’s hand moves to my thigh. I latch my arm around her waist. The faster we go, the more we pitch into each other, grinning with the sudden moves. The fair spirals around us. Her laughter twirls around me, an infectious sound that grows the faster we spin. By the time we’re done, I’m dizzy from the ride and her proximity.

“You didn’t puke,” she says, beaming up at me.

“Good thing, considering all the junk food I’ve eaten. I might not eat for the rest of the week.”

She huffs. “You need to give yourself a break. Letting loose once in a while is healthy.”

I shrug, knowing she’s right but knowing I’ll be back to my methodical self tomorrow.

She pinches my side. “Frog toss?”

“Try to keep me away.” I grab her hand and walk us to the game.

For a fee, we get to toss bean bag frogs at narrow-lipped jars, with the hopes of winning a stuffed animal. It’s near impossible to win, but my pragmatic mind is on vacation today.

Naomi stands beside me, amusement in her dark eyes. As I wind up my arm to toss the frog, she says, “I bought a new pink thong.”

My body flexes and my arm jerks, visions of pink lace and Naomi fogging up my brain. The frog goes flying and doesn’t land anywhere near the jars.

She laughs. “You toss frogs as well as you play basketball.”

A month ago, that dig would have infuriated me. Today, I smile. “Someone distracted me.”

“I don’t know what you’re referring to. I just mentioned that I went shopping.”

“Is that how this is going down?” I lean on the counter separating us from the jars. “Because if we’re trying to make each other miss, you won’t win this game.”

She takes a frog from the attendant and readies her stance. “I played on a teachers softball team. You can’t rattle me.” Focus dead ahead, she adjusts her stance and narrows her eyes on the target.

The second she pulls her arm back, ready for launch, I lean in and whisper, “I can’t wait to fuck you later.”

Her arm lurches and the frog launches pitifully, landing on the grass. She rounds on me. “Are you afraid to lose to a woman? Is that why you sabotaged me?”

“I don’t know what you’re referring to,” I say, stealing her line. “Maybe I just like flustering you.”

Instead of upping her indignation, she lines up our bodies and brings her lips to my ear. “Maybe I like it when you fluster me.”

With a saucy wink, she steps back. We resume our game, heckling each other as we take turns. Eventually we move to the Ferris wheel, where we cuddle and talk as our heads flirt with the clouds. At the bumper cars, I tease her driving skills and get rammed for my efforts. We share a stick of cotton candy and cheer at the tractor races, cracking up when we see the one decorated as a giant hotdog, which looks more like a giant penis.