“Damnit. Now I’m hard,” Caden says, making Lex huff a laugh. “Come on, you big sexy Russian bastard. Don’t tease me.”

Les walks over to stand in front of us, arms crossed over her chest. “This is not something I ever saw coming.”

“I’m just that irresistible, Les,” Caden says. “You missed your chance.”

Les does that weird head tilt. “I did? When did I ever ask for one?”

Ryder comes to stand behind Les, and Caden snaps his mouth closed, keeping what I’m sure would have gotten his ass beat inside. I can’t help but laugh at the look on his face. Even Lex starts chuckling. “What’s the matter, Squid?” Ryder asks, sliding his arms around Les’ waist.

“Don’t call me that,” Caden pouts, making Lex laugh out loud.

Lex leans in and pecks Caden’s lips. Caden takes advantage by kissing him harder. Lex slides his hand onto Caden’s neck, accepting it without hesitation. I love that they can express how they feel and not give a fuck.

“What am I missing?” Bridget asks, coming to stand by my chair. I grab her hand and tug her onto my lap.

“Lex laying claim,” I answer, running my nose up her neck. “Fuck, you smell good.”

“I taste even better.”

“Trust me, Baby doll, I know.”

“Well,” Les laughs. “That’s my cue.” Les grabs Ryder’s hand and drags him back to where the rest of her guys are.

Nik sits on the other side of Lex and Caden while Dmitri sits beside me. I watch Nik as he notices Lex and Caden. He doesn’t look surprised, but he also doesn’t look turned off by it.

Lex and Caden break apart when the entry music for the fight starts playing. Caden jumps to his feet, and we watch the other fighter walk into the ring. I’ve watched the other guy fight a couple of times, and he’s good, but he’s outmatched against Ghost.

The first notes ofRuff Ryders’ Anthemby DMX starts playing, and the crowd goes fucking nuts. This is the song Ghost always uses. It started as a joke, but now that’s how everyone knows he’s about to enter the ring.

This fight is going to be a street brawl with no gloves and no rules. Les’ fights don’t have many rules besides don’t kill the guy whose ass you’re kicking. That’s the only reason she has referees.

Ghost walks into the ring with a distant look on his face since he’s already in the zone. He doesn’t jump around and act like a dumbass trying to fire the crowd up like the other guy did. He doesn’t need to. They love to watch him fight.

Caden wolf whistles, and Ghost’s head slowly comes up to where Caden’s standing. I watch the small tilt to Ghost’s lips, and then he’s back to business. He bumps fists with his opponent and goes into a fighter’s stance. They circle each other, sizing the other one up. Ghost’s opponent makes the first move, and I can already see this is going to end bloody for him. He strikes, and Ghost evades it easily, continuing to circle him.

“What are they doing?” Bridget asks, eyes glued to Ghost.

“Testing each other. Looking for weaknesses.”

“Oh,” Bridget comments. “What do you see?”

“This guy is too cocky. You see how he keeps jumping at Ghost but not actually striking? He’s trying to throw Ghost off his game.”

“Will it work?” I tug her lip from between her teeth where she’s chewing on it nervously, worried about Ghost. She doesn't need to be.

“Nope. Ghost is a badass, Baby doll. No way he can lose this.” I point at the ring. “Ghost has a longer reach and quicker feet.” Just as I finish that sentence, Ghost finally makes a move, hitting the guy with a right hook. It knocks him back a few steps, but the guy recovers quickly.

“Let’s fucking go!” Caden yells. “That’s what I’m talking about!”

Dmitri chuckles. “Bloodthirsty as hell.”

“Like you aren’t?” I snort.

“I can’t deny it,” Dmitri agrees.

Bridget giggles. “I should seriously rethink who I hang out with.”

Dmitri slides a hand onto her thigh and squeezes. “Don’t even think about it,Boginya,” he says, making Bridget grin at him.