“If he got a small taste of Firefly, then he’s fucking hooked.” I know from experience. I’m never letting her sexy ass go now. I’ve been drawn to Bridget since the night she kept my mind occupied after Ghost’s truth bomb. It’s like she could sense I was teetering on the edge and came to my rescue. I still don’t think she understands what she did for me that night.

“What about the rest of it?” Lex insists, his eyes glued to the side of my head.

“I’m all in,” I say quietly and watch Lex's face morph into a huge smile. Goddamn, he’s pretty when he smiles. Jesus Christ. Now I sound like Bridget.

Ghost rolls his eyes when Lex turns to him. “I’m in.”

“Good fucking answer because I have no problem killing you, hiding your body, and taking Lover boy to keep all to myself.”

I bust out laughing at Ghost’s stunned expression. “What happened to let’s all be in this together?” Ghost asks.

“I’ll stop at nothing to make sure this happens. You should know that.”

“You’re sexy as hell, Lex. But sometimes your creepy level overshadows that,” I laugh.

Lex shrugs, not at all offended. “It obviously has its appeal, or I wouldn’t have had you begging for my cock.”

“He has you there, Baby love.”

“Whatever,” I grouch. “You need to call Les and cancel that fight tonight,” I say, trying to change the subject from me shamelessly begging Lex to fuck me.

“Nope. I’m going. Dad can kiss my ass. I’ll be safe there with everyone.” Before I can open my mouth to argue, Ghost reaches over and squeezes my thigh. “It’ll be fine, I promise.”

Let’s just hope those aren’t famous last words.

Chapter 36


Iknowthisisa bad idea. Ghost shouldn’t be in public, but he was adamant that he show up for this fucking fight.

Ghost is one of the best underground fighters I’ve ever seen. And not just because people underestimate him. It’s because he’s that damn good.

I feel a little better with Bridget being here, too, because all of us, plus Les and Evie and their crews, are here. Les sat us all in VIP since she owns the place, so Bridget is protected.

I look over at her, laughing and talking with Evie and Les, and wonder when she stole my heart. It goes way beyond just messing around. And the more time we spend together, the stronger the feelings are. I hope the reason we are all together isn’t just because she needs constant protection. It makes me wonder what will happen when this is finally done. Will she go back home? Will she forget everything we have? If that thought scares me, I can’t imagine what it does to Lex and D.

“We need to talk,” Lex says, flopping down beside me. “I need to know something.”


“Are you all in, or do I need to murder you in your sleep?”

“What the fuck?” I laugh. “Why do I have to die?”

He gestures around impatiently. “With Bridget and us. Are you in?”

I look back over at Bridget and back to Lex. “I’m in.”

“See!” Lex yells. “That’s how you answer a fucking question.”

“Awwww,” Caden says, sitting on Lex’s lap and wrapping his arms around his neck. “Is someone grumpy?”

“Fuck off, Lover boy.” Even as Lex says it, his arms go around Caden’s waist. Even if it’s not something for me, I have to admit they’re hot as fuck together. “Why do you have to mess with me so much?”

“Because it makes the vein in your forehead throb. It’s addicting.”

Lex tries to shove Caden off his lap, and Caden holds on tighter. Lex leans in until he’s right at Caden’s ear. “You remember when you said you wanted me to bend you over and turn that perky ass red?” Caden lifts a brow. “You’re about to get your fucking wish in a room full of people.”