“You hid for less than a day,” Nik says dryly, making me choke on a laugh. “You can’t be seen, or they’ll arrest your ass again.”

“I don’t care!” Ghost bellows. “Let them fucking come for me!”

Lex moves so fast that none of us have time to react when he wraps his fist in Ghost’s shirt and jerks him until they are face to face. “I fucking care,” Lex growls. “I care what happens to you. Get your head out of your ass and realize what’s right in front of you.”

Ghost’s hands are balled into fists, and his chest is heaving. I’m stepping forward to intervene when Ghost slams his lips against Lex’s in a brutal kiss.

“Well, that’s a sudden turn of events,” Dmitri says, and I can’t help the laugh that busts out of me. It doesn’t even bother Lex and Ghost, who are seconds away from fucking in the street. Not that I care.

“Where’s Bridget?” I ask, not taking my eyes away from them.

“Right here,” Banger answers with a laugh. I turn to him, and he’s pointing inside Nik’s car, where you can only see Bridget’s hand waving from the backseat. “We told her to stay down, and she listened like a good girl.”

“I heard that!” she calls out.

I walk up and slide my hands around Ghost’s waist. He shivers from head to toe. “I hate to break up this very sexy display, but we need to move.”

Lex jerks his mouth, his breathing ragged. “Fuck, we need to finish that shit sometime.”

Ghost grinds his hips into Lex’s with a grin. “Yeah, we do.”

Lex, Ghost, and I slide into my Mustang with Ghost in the seat beside me. I shift into first and pull from the curb, Nik behind me.

“What are you going to do about your house and Shooters?” I ask, whipping a u-turn, and heading back to the estate. I know how much pride Ghost takes in what he’s built.

Ghost leans back in the seat with a sigh. “I don’t know.”

Lex sits up between the seats, leaning his arms on the console. “We can rebuild Shooters. And you still have a home.”

“Did you not see my house up in flames?”

“Yeah. And that fucking sucks. But you have the estate.”

“That’s your house, Lex. Not mine.”

“It’s yours now too.” Lex shrugs. “All of ours. Or we could sell it and get something else.” My eyebrows hit my hairline, and I look at Lex in the rearview mirror.

“This is supposed to be short-term,” I remind him. I still don’t know if Bridget’s ready for all of this, even if she is hanging in there just fine.

“Why does it have to be?” Lex argues. “We’re stuck up each other’s ass all the time anyway.”

I snort. “Figuratively and literally.”

Lex’s dark eyes find mine in the mirror. “I didn’t hear you complaining, Lover boy.”

“It’s going to take more than good dick to make me move in with you,” I joke.

“Is that all this is?” Lex asks with a frown.

“Is it?” I retort. I have no idea what he wants me to say. In my mind, that is all it is. Not because I don’t want it to be more, I do. But I don’t think Lex is thinking that.

“Not for me,” Lex answers, surprising me. “I want this all to be real. Not just fucking for the fun of it.”

Ghost turns in his seat to face Lex. “What are you saying?”

Lex sits back in the seat with a groan. “Do I need to spell it out?” Ghost and I both nod, making Lex’s eyes narrow. “I want…no, I need you guys all in this with me. For the long haul. I want Bridget to be ours in every sense of the word. I want Caden to quit making this seem like what we did is just fuck. I want Nik to get his head out of his ass and quit fighting his feelings for Bridget.”

“About that,” Ghost says. “I heard her screaming his name at the house. When I went in to get them about my house, they weren’t naked, but something happened.”