Mercy’s phone starts ringing, and the look he gives me when he listens to the person on the other end makes my stomach sink. He disconnects the call and finally turns to Ghost. “The pool hall is up in flames too.” Motherfucker. Grant is trying to flush Ghost out from wherever he can.

Ghost takes off toward Mercy’s Bronco before I can stop him. “Keys!” Ghost yells. Mercy tosses them to him without a second thought. I slide into the passenger seat seconds before he peels off.

“What are you doing?” I ask, holding on for dear life. Ghost’s knuckles are white from their grip on the steering wheel.

“I’m going to kill someone.” Oh, that’s just fucking great.


“Whoever I see first.” Ghost hits Concrete Row and starts driving straight into Hellraiser’s territory.

“Ghost. Come on. If someone sees you, they’ll arrest you again. Please don’t let your dad win.”

“They won’t take me alive this time. This is my livelihood. I bought that with my own money. I built this shit from the ground up, and this asshole comes in and burns them to the ground? Fuck that.” Tink is probably the one who lit the match, but we all know Grant is behind this.

Tink’s garage comes into view, and several motorcycles are sitting in front of it. Ghost makes a straight line for them, and I brace myself for impact. Mercy’s Bronco has an indestructible brush guard on the front, but this shit is still going to hurt. Ghost stomps on the gas, swerves, and takes out the first several bikes before jerking the wheel back onto the road. Tink’s guys come spilling out of the garage, guns raised. Several shots ping off the side of the Bronco then the back glass shatters.

Ghost doesn’t even flinch. He whips a u-turn and heads right back toward them.

“Get down,” Ghost barks. Yeah, fuck that. I pull my Glock from its holster and roll my window down.

“Not a chance,” I say with a grin.

Ghost drives right at them, not even a hint that he’s going to stop. I stick my hand from the window and fire off several shots. The guys from the garage dive out of the way last second, and Ghost slams on the brakes. He shoves his door open, pulling a Glock from the back of his sweatpants. I jump out behind him, bracing myself for anything.

“Where the hell is Tink?!” Ghost yells. The guys scramble from the ground, and I already don’t like the odds until I see Nik’s Benz and my Mustang flying in behind us. Lex, D, Banger, and Nik come in from all sides, guns raised and ready. Mercy and Twitch are right behind them. “I’ll ask one more fucking time, and then I start shooting. Where the fuck is Tink?” I steal a quick glance and don’t see Bridget in either of the cars. Where the hell is she?

“I don’t know,” one of the guys answers, looking around nervously.

“Who decided it was a good goddamn idea to burn my fucking pool hall and house down?”

“It wasn’t us! We’re just supposed to be watching Tink’s place!”

“I’ve got more on the way,” Mercy says. Good, it’s about time we have an old fashioned gang war.

“It’s just us here!” the guy who first spoke up says, gesturing to him and three of his buddies. “We don’t know where anyone else is.”

Ghost and I exchange a look. These were low men on the totem pole. That’s why Tink left them here to get slaughtered. “Pledge your loyalty to the Vipers, and I’ll let you live,” Ghost says.

“How?” another speaks up.

“Tell me where else Tink hides out, and we’ll call it even. I’ll initiate you when this shit is done.”

They look around at each other, and I see the moment they realize they’re on the wrong side. “He has several places that Augustus set him up with, but we don’t know where they are.”

“He’s probably telling the truth,” I mutter. New members usually don’t get that type of information until they prove that they can be trusted.

Ghost jerks his head at Mercy and Twitch. “Take them somewhere, and don’t take your eyes off of them. I’ll figure out what to do later.” Mercy and Twitch jump into action, shoving them into Mercy’s Bronco. “Sorry about that,” Ghost says, nodding to the side of the Bronco that’s fucked up from him taking out those motorcycles and the missing back glass.

“All good,” Mercy grins. “I just hate that I missed it.” He jumps into the driver’s seat and drives away.

I turn to Ghost. “I’m pretty sure that first bike is Tink’s”

“Good,” Ghost growls.

Lex leans against the side of my Mustang and crosses his arms over his chest. “So, just wondering how in the motherfuck you thought this is a good idea?”

“I want this fucking done. I’m done hiding.”