I know I said one night with Alexey and Dmitri. I walked away the next morning before they woke up and knew that was bullshit. One night with them was never going to be enough. My ex was in my head, though, telling me I wasn’t good enough for them. That they would get tired of my mouth and stubbornness. If anyone is going to handle that, it’s the twins. They made sure I knew how they felt without being pushy for months. That speaks volumes of the men they are.

If I’m being honest with myself, I fell in love with Caden at the beginning of our friendship. He’s so easy to talk to and be around. He’s me in man form. He gives me as much shit as I give him. Watching him accept his chip after battling his demons and the courage to show Ghost how he felt made me fall even harder.

Banger and Ghost are slowly working their way into my heart. They would do anything for their family or me. They’ve shown that so many times. The things I have to watch Ghost go through with his dad breaks my heart, but it makes me want to pull him even closer.

And then there’s Nikolay. I don’t know much about him other than what I’ve been told, but that kiss outside blew my fucking mind. It was short, but it’s enough to tell me it’s not enough. Fucking Russians.

“What’s on your mind,Boginya?” Dmitri asks, coming to stand in front of me.

I’m not ready for that heavy of a conversation, so I smile at him. “I’m just glad you’re still here.”

He tugs my hand to lead me to the living room and pulls me to sit on his lap. “Me too.” He kisses my forehead, letting his lips linger. “We have some stuff to take care of today. You’ll be here with Ghost and Nik.” Just the mention of Nikolay’s name makes my face flush. He was the only piece missing from last night, but I know we need to get to know each other more. He seems resistant to the whole thing. “Why don’t you talk to him today?”

“Who?” I ask, cuddling back in Dmitri’s chest.

“Nik. I know about the kiss.”

I lean back to look into his eyes. “And you’re okay with that?”

“He would be dead if I wasn’t.” The thought that they can talk about killing so casually should bother me. The fact that it doesn’t says a lot about me, but I don’t care. “Nik is family and a damn good guy. He took over this mess when he didn’t have to.”

“Doesn’t he have his own empire to run?” I picked up on that early on. He has a whole other life in Florida. Where does that leave me if we take this next step?

“He can run it from anywhere,Boginya. Lex and I will have to step up soon to take over this empire.”

“He’s been teaching you?”

Dmitri nods. “Viktor didn’t show us anything. He thought of himself as an immortal, I guess. When he died, we didn’t want to run it into the ground, so we handed it over to Nik.”

“You trust him?”

Dmitri chuckles. “With our lives.” He pecks my lips. “And yours.”

Dmitri’s phone rings, he digs it out of his pocket, and slides to answer with a smile. “Privet, Mama.” I try to slide off his lap to give him privacy, but he clamps a hand on my thigh to keep me seated. He flicks it to speakerphone. “How are you?”

“I’m good. I miss you boys. I trust that you’re safe?”

“Of course.”

“Liar,” I mouth, making his hand tighten on my thigh.

“I just got off the phone with Alexey, and he tells me you have a house guest?”

I raise a brow, and Dmitri grins. Damn, he’s sexy. I could get lost in that smile. “We do. Although, we consider her a little more than a house guest.”

“Oh!” Nina exclaims. “I was hoping you would say that. Is this the girl you told me about?” Did they tell their mom about me?

“It is. Her name is Bridget. I’d love for you to meet her.” He looks me right in the eye when he says that, waiting for me to react. I’ve met Banger’s parents, but we were just in the flirting stage then. Even then, this feels deeper somehow. I’ve seen Nina in passing, but since Les got her away from Viktor, she’s been in New York with Aldo. That is definitely something I’d love to know all about. Like, are they a couple? It would be so fucking cute if they were. I’m not sure Alexey and Dmitri would agree, though.

“I’d love that. Aldo says we will come to visit soon.” Dmitri’s eye twitches at the mention of Aldo, answering if they would like their mom dating Aldo, and I have to hold in a laugh. “You boys better be treating her right while she’s there. You’re not too big for a butt kicking.”

“We’ve been treating her really good, Mama.” I don’t miss the hidden meaning of his words. Last night was fucking incredible, and he picks this moment to bring it up.

“Good. She sounds like a sweet girl if she can put up with all of you.” She knows? How the hell? “Alexey told me you’ve started a fancy relationship with your friends and her.”

“Family,” Dmitri corrects. “And Alexey has a big mouth.”

“You didn’t want me to know? You don’t keep secrets from me, Dmitri.” I watch the guilt flash across his face because he’s keeping more than that from her. But I’m sure he doesn’t want her to worry that they’ve gotten themselves mixed up in some serious shit.