“Do what you want,” I reply, answering his unspoken question.

That’s all he needs before he, Alexey, and Banger let loose on him, landing blows left and right, making the chains swing wildly. When Rugger’s head drops, they all take a step back, not wanting to beat an unconscious man. We might not follow a normal code of conduct, but even we have limits. I grab an ammonia capsule, a little gift from Les, and break it under his nose. He wakes with a start, and when he sees me, he has a resigned look on his face.

“Lesson one. And it’s your only one. If I hear a whisper that you've done this again, I’ll sneak into your house in the dead of night and string your body parts everywhere. Are we clear?”

“Yes,” Rugger groans. Banger releases the lever on the chains, and Rugger hits his knees in front of me with a thud. Just to drive my point home, I hit him in the cheek with the brass knuckles, knocking him out cold again.

“Dump him on his porch,” I call out, leaving the room.

I have other shit to take care of.

Chapter 3


Imadeitallnight without telling Bridget anything. That’s about to come to an end if the way she’s staring at me is any indication.

“Start talking,” she demands from across the little kitchen table. We just got done with breakfast, and I’m not going to be able to avoid this anymore.

“What do you want to know?”

“What’s therealdeal with you and Ghost?”

That’s a damn good question. “Okay,” I say. “I’ll answer your questions.” She grins. That won’t last long. “But you have to answer mine about Lex and D.”

Just like I suspected, her smile drops. “This isn’t about me. And there isn’t a deal with them. We fucked one time.”

“Is that all it is, though?” I wave my hand around. “You don’t think I’ve noticed the flowers and that expensive fucking necklace sitting on your neck?”

She rubs her hand across it. “Maybe I bought this for myself. I don’t need a man to buy me pretty things.”

I snort. “No. You don’t. But you didn’t buy that because I was withthemwhen they did.” I lean my arms on the table. “And it wasn’t just one night for them.”

“I’m aware.” She lays her forehead on the table with a sigh. “We had a deal. One night with no strings. Why can’t they just leave it there?”

“You did something right because they’re obsessed. My question is, why are you fighting them so goddamn hard? Isn’t that what women want? A man that’s so obsessed he can’t think straight?”

She lifts her head with a glare. “How did this get turned around on me? It’s your turn.”

“I don’t know what the deal is.” I shrug. “He knew every dark, dirty secret that I have, and he lied to me for months.”

“Caden, babe, you are too damn upset for it to just be that. Do you like him?” she asks softly.

I bark a laugh. “Isn’t it obvious?”

“Well, yeah, but neither of you have said anything. Does he know?”

“I’m sure. It’s not like I hide it, but I’m clearly not Ghost’s type.” I jump from the chair and walk toward the living room in her townhouse. I flop on the couch, and she sits on the other end with her feet tucked under her.

“How do you know if you don’t tell him?”

“If he did, would he have lied to me?” I retort. That still burns my ass up. Ghost knows every little detail about me, some stuff he’s the only person I’ve ever told. But he couldn’t even tell me his real name? I don’t give a fuck if he’s a mayor's son. That’s not the point. It’s that he didn’t trust me enough to tell me. “It doesn’t matter now anyway. You’re more his type.”

“I’ve seen the way he looks at you, Caden. He doesn’t even give me a second glance. I think you’re just hurt, which is understandable. But don’t you think it’s time to let it go or at least talk to him?”

“What do I say? Hey, man, I have a fat fucking crush on you. Wanna fuck and see if you like it?”

She laughs. “No, dumbass. Start with the talk and see where it goes from there.” She looks at me harder, and I can see the question on the tip of her tongue. “So, you said ifheliked it, what about you?”