“I’ll take care of it later,” I tell him. I’ve never seen him so fucking hard like he was when he was watching me fuck Bridget. He put his ass on the line saving me. The least I can do is thank him.

Caden laughs and motions for the rest to follow him. When the door shuts, I turn back to Shadow. “Start from the beginning.”

Shadow runs his hand through his dark hair. “The night I got popped, they took me to the police station. Dad refused to bail me out, so they threw me in county. Axel showed up a week later, got me out, and put me into his training for the Saviors. I’ve been with them ever since.”

“Why didn’t you ever call? I had no clue what happened to you.”

“I don’t know. I checked in on you, and you seemed fine with the Vipers. Plus, our identity is a secret, remember?”

“A secret, Shadow? I’m your best goddamn friend. Or I was.”

He shrugs. “Our life is crazy. We don’t stay in one place for long. And you’re still a friend.”

“What do you do exactly?” Everyone has heard the rumors about the Saviors, but they don’t match what we know.

“Whatever we want. The training polishes up the skills people already have so we can do what we need to do.”

“That is the most cryptic bullshit I’ve ever heard. What are you guys? Vigilantes?”

Shadow laughs. “Not even close. We’re a group of criminals, no matter how you look at it. Killers. But there’s a method to our madness.”

“Are you the one that ripped that guy to pieces that sold Gray’s sisters?”

“Nope. That was Kai,” he says proudly. “They needed to know not to fuck around anymore.”

I can’t fault that logic or judge it. We’ve done some fucked up shit lately for information. “Can you stay in touch now? You were like my brother.”

“I will when I can. We’ll be out of the country for a while, but after that, I will. It’s damn good to see you.” Shadow looks toward the door and back to me. “I’m dying to know.”

I roll my eyes. “Know what?”

“Caden? How the fuck did I not know you like guys?”

“I didn’t know I liked guys until I met him. Things have changed lately.” That’s an understatement, especially with the way things are going with Lex too. It hits me what Shadow said at the police department about trying it out, and I narrow my eyes. “How did I not know, either?”

“By the time I figured it out, things were already starting to go to shit. I’m sorry about Arthur, man. I went back to Rose Hills to thank him and found out what happened.” I nod in understanding, the words locked in my throat.

“We need to go,” Axel says, sticking his head through the door. “Cole’s dropping Nolan off and meeting us at the airstrip.”

I stand up and meet Shadow at the head of the table. I jerk him into a hug. “Don’t be a stranger anymore.”

“You, either. I’m so fucking happy for you, man. You’ve got some good shit going on here.”

He slaps my back and follows Axel out. I go to my room and strip down to my boxers. As soon as I climb into bed, Caden walks through the door, sliding in beside me. I pull him into my chest. My eyes start to drift close, and I feel the bed dip behind me. Bridget’s little frame plasters to my back, and she slings her arm over my waist.

“You’re the big spoon?” I ask sleepily.

“Yep. You look like you need a cuddle.” She pulls me closer, and I go willingly, bringing Caden with me.

I could get used to this.

Chapter 32


Iwakeupthefollowing day alone in bed. I sit up and push my hair out of my face, squinting at the clock beside the bed. It’s almost ten in the morning. I drag my ass out of bed and straight to the bathroom to take care of business. Deciding to go ahead and take a shower, I strip off my clothes and step under the spray, letting the night before run through my head.

I didn’t necessarily want to be stuck here, but if what happened in the game room happens on repeat, I’d be more than happy to stay. It’s not that I don’t like being around the guys. I do, but being here makes me feel dependent on them, and I don’t like that feeling. I just keep reminding myself that it’s temporary.