I kiss the top of his head. “Not me, Baby love.”

“You’re officially a fugitive,” Axel says, stepping to our side. “I suggest you find a good fucking place to hide and stay there.”

“He’ll be safe at the estate,” Nik speaks up. “But we have to move.”

“Follow us,” I tell Shadow. Nik slides into the backseat of Caden’s Mustang, and I slide into the front. Caden takes off with a squeal of tires.

“They taped off the garage,” Nik says, sitting between the seats. “But Les and Micah are on their way down there now.”

I massage my temples. “You guys need to get the hell away from me before you become collateral damage.”

“Yeah. So, that’s not happening. We aren’t going to leave you alone to fight this asshole,” Caden argues. “I’m not going anywhere, no matter what you say.”

“Don’t you see the reach he has? He doesn’t even live here, and he has cops in his back pocket.”

“Don’t you see how hard I’m willing to fight for you?” That shuts me up. “How hard we are willing to fight for you? He’s not going to win.”

I grab his hand from the gearshift. “I don’t deserve you.”

“Yes, you do. And if you’d open your eyes, you would see that.”

We drive back to the estate in silence with Caden’s hand in mine. The gate swings open, and he doesn’t even waste time parking in the garage. He pulls in front of the porch, and I see Bridget standing at the top. I’m out of the car, taking the stairs two at a time. She launches herself at me, and I hug her close.

“I was so scared,” she whispers. “Alexey said your dad took you.”

I pull back and wipe the tears from her cheeks with my thumbs. “He had me arrested, but I’m fine.”

She kisses my split lip where that motherfucker took a cheap shot. “I’m glad you’re home.” Home. Is that what this is? My home? Damn, that feels good.

“I’m so happily confused right now,” Shadow speaks up from behind me.

“Let’s talk,” I interrupt before he can say anything else. Shadow’s mouth is unpredictable on any given day. I kiss Bridget softly. “We’ll be quick.”

“Take your time.” She smiles and walks back into the house.

I lead the rest of them to the office, and we get settled around the table with Caden by my side and Nik at the head of the table. A big dude sits on the other side of Shadow.

“Kai, this is Ghost. Ghost, this is Kai,” Shadow introduces. Kai looks scary as hell, and that’s something coming from me. He’s taller than Axel, big with large puckered scars on his face. The one that catches my attention is the one that extends from ear to ear across his neck. “But enough of that. What the fuck?” I don’t even have to ask what he’s talking about. I can still read Shadow like a book, just like I did when we were growing up.

“We’re in a relationship,” I explain, unashamed of that fact. “All of us.” I include Nik in that already because I know he won’t be able to resist for long.

Axel’s eyebrows hit his hairline. “Wait. Like Gray’s situation?”

“Exactly like that,” I answer. “Now let’s discuss Grant.”

“We have Nolan digging,” Shadow says. “He’s fucking good. Barely needs any of the training. He’s looking for any weak spots on your dad.”

“We have Holden digging too. Maybe bring him in, and they can search together?” Lex suggests, sitting up and crossing his arms on the table. “I’m guessing Nolan is the one who shut the police station down.”

Axel grins. “Fuck yeah. He’s a natural. And I agree. He’s at the hotel with Cole. You want me to bring him here or Les’?”

“Les’,” I throw in. “Holden’s shit is there, and he has a whole hacker cave.”

“We’ll have them keep an eye on the police chatter. Like I said, you’re a fugitive, so you need to stay out of sight until we can clear this up,” Axel says, typing out a message on his phone. It’s not in my nature to sit on the sidelines, and I’m already itching to get out there to finish this bullshit. “Settled. Nolan will stay with Les until we say so.”

“Can you let me talk to Shadow alone?” I ask the group. We have some stuff to settle. Like, what the fuck happened to him all those years ago.

Caden squeezes my shoulder and stands up. “Let’s go play some pool.” He grins at me when he says that, and what happened in the game room flashes through my head.