We all drop, doing as he says. His finger is hovering over the trigger, just begging one of us to move.

“What the fuck is going on?” Ghost asks between clenched teeth.

“We found your stash,” the young cop says, holding up a brick of coke.

“That’s not mine. I don’t deal in that shit,” Ghost argues, smoothly lying. He does deal that shit for Les, but he sure as fuck doesn’t keep it here.

“The evidence says otherwise, Gabriel.” That voice has Ghost’s head snapping up toward the door. His whole body goes rigid. “It looks like you got yourself in quite the predicament.” Mayor Augustus comes to stand in front of Ghost with a smile on his face. “Come home with me now, and it all disappears.”

“Fuck. You,” Ghost grits out. Grant’s fist swings out and clocks Ghost right in the mouth. I move, and the cop in front shoves his gun into my forehead. “Is that all you’ve got, old man? You knew you couldn’t take me one on one anymore, so you brought back up?” Ghost asks. He licks the blood from the corner of his lip and spits it right on Grant’s shoes. “Pussy.”

“Take him,” Grant barks. They haul Ghost to his feet, roughly slapping handcuffs on his wrist.

“Wait a fucking minute,” Caden says, rapidly looking at cops pushing Ghost from the garage. Ghost’s yelling carries outside, and I can’t do a fucking thing without getting a bullet to the brain. “You don’t have to do this.”

“Oh, but I do. He can rot in prison or come home with me. The choice is his.” His eyes slide to mine. “I’d expect more from you hanging around such fucking filth.” I frown. I have no clue who this asshole is aside from what I’ve been told. “The Lenkovs are prestigious. You’re a disgrace to that name.”

Grant spins on his heel, and the cops follow him out like little lap dogs, leaving the evidence behind. As soon as the door shuts, I jump to my feet, phone to my ear. “Lex, they just took Ghost.” I fill him in, and he lets out a string of curses.

“I can’t leave Bridget. You can’t let them take him, Nik.”

“Fuck, I know. I’ll keep you updated.” I disconnect the call and look at Caden. “What’s the call?” This is his turf and his boyfriend. I can run Russian business with my eyes closed, but this is out of my power. I’m already pissed that we were set up from the second we rushed into Concrete Row. This isn’t a coincidence.

“I know who to call,” Caden says, already dialing.

I hope it’s someone good because Ghost is fucked if not.

Chapter 31


Iknewmydadwould go to any length to prove his point but having me arrested wasn’t something that had crossed my fucking mind.

“You feel like talking?” the dead cop asks me. They brought me straight to the department and pushed me into an interrogation room, locking my handcuffs to the top of the metal table. It’s not the first time I’ve been arrested, and I’m sure it’s not my last. So I know not to say a word.

I raise a brow and lean back in my chair, trying to look unaffected, but my blood is boiling.

“The amount of product we found will put you away for life. You have options.”

I just continue to stare, and I can see how nervous I make him. Sweat is beading around his brow. I sit up and look at his tag. Anderson. I store that information away for later and look back at his face. “Are you done?”

“You think you’re the bad guy in here?” he hisses. I grin and watch his bravado falter. This guy is as green as they come. He doesn’t look any older than twenty-one or twenty-two, probably fresh out of the academy, which is how my dad got him in his pocket. He gets up and storms from the room. I sag back in the chair and wait for the inevitable showdown with Mayor Augustus.

I let my mind wander to Caden. I saw the absolute panic on his face when they were slapping me in handcuffs, and I couldn’t do a damn thing without giving my dad ammunition to go after him. Not that he can’t figure out who Caden is anyway, but I am not helping him.

The lights start to flicker, and then the place goes pitch black. I hear the commotion of the officers from the other side of the door. What the fuck? Is Dad going to take me out here? Seems fitting.

Rustling sounds from over my head, and I look up but can’t see anything. The emergency lights aren’t even coming on. I brace myself for the blow. I always knew Dad was a coward, and this just proves it. He can’t even look me in the eye when he finally kills me.

“Hello, brother.” Shadow?

“What the fuck?” I hear his boots and another set hit the floor. A flashlight clicks on, and then Shadow’s hands are on my wrists, picking the lock. “How the hell are you here?”

“I told you I was going to be in Abbs Valley, and I got a frantic call from your boyfriend. Is he your boyfriend? If I had known you were into dudes, we could have tested that out growing up.” The handcuffs fall from my wrists, and I jump to my feet.

“Shut up,” I laugh, climbing onto the table and into the ceiling, where they had moved the tile to get in. “You wouldn’t have had the chance. You aren’t my type.” We hustle through the air vents, and I see the opening at the end. They literally broke into a goddamn police station to get me out. I slide through, my feet hit the ground at the back of the building, and I see Caden standing there waiting. “That’s my fucking type.” He’s in my arms before I even register that either of us moved.

“Fuck. I thought for sure he got you,” Caden says, hugging me tight.