“I’m not saying it to be an asshole. I’m just saying.”

“No, I get it,” Caden sighs. His phone rings again, and Ghost flashes across the screen.

“Where are you?”

“You might want to check your phone,” Caden says and relays what’s happening. “You need to get down here.”

Ghost is quiet for a minute. “No. You handle it.”


“You don’t need me. Show them that you’re a fucking badass. This is your crew too, Baby love.” I know what Ghost is doing. I have a feeling that since the merger, Caden has felt like the Vipers were still Ghost’s crew. Ghost is letting him know they aren’t.

“You can’t say shit like that, make me all soft and gooey inside, then expect me to walk in there like a badass.” I shake my head with a laugh. At first, I couldn’t see how the hell someone like Caden ran a feared gang, but then I saw him in action. He doesn’t immediately demand respect with his looks, but he sure as fuck does when he opens his mouth.

“You’ve got this,” Ghost says with a chuckle. “Just be careful, and if you need us, call.”

“I will.” Caden disconnects the call and takes the exit into Concrete Row. He drives to the pool hall, and just like Mercy said, cops are everywhere, police tape lining the sidewalk. “Motherfucker.” He drives a couple of buildings down and parks to the side of the garage. We get out and head inside, where Mercy and Twitch are waiting for us. They both sit up straighter when they see Caden walk in, showing their respect for him. “Tell me what’s going on?”

“Nothing new,” Twitch says. I know from hearing Ghost talk that Twitch is one of the most lethal on his crew. “We got the call and came right away. The cops got here before we did. Banger and D are spying on the pool hall.”

“Fast response in Concrete Row?” Caden says, taking a chair at the table. I take the one to his left. “I call bullshit. Someone set that shit up.” Now, that part has Ghost’s dad all over it.

Before anyone can say anything, someone starts banging on the door. Mercy and Twitch jump to their feet and come to stand protectively behind Caden. “Put your badass face on,” I tell Caden, getting to my feet and pushing open the side door. One of Abbs Valley’s finest is standing on the other side, hand resting on the butt of his gun.

“I’m looking for Gabriel Augustus.”

I frown. “Who?” I ask, playing dumb.

“I think you call him Ghost.” I don’t miss the sneer when he says Ghost’s street name.

“I have no clue who you’re talking about.”

“We have a warrant to search the premises,” he declares, slapping it against my chest. “Now move.”

“Under what grounds?” Caden asks, coming to stand at my side. I can already hear Mercy on the phone with who I assume is Ghost. “This is just a garage. Your crime scene is a few doors down. If you need me to draw you a map to get there, I can.” I don’t even try to hide the laugh that busts out of me, and it just serves to piss the young cop off even more.

“You can either let us search willingly, or I can arrest you. The choice is yours.”

“Do you have any idea who you’re talking to?” I ask, leaning against the door. Several of the cops behind him bristle. Legally, they can arrest us if they have a warrant, and the fact that they are here after the dead bodies at Shooter’s isn’t boding well.

“Nikolay Lenkov. Twenty-seven. From Florida. Russian Mafia,” the cop reads that off like he’s looking at a list. Someone has done their homework, and something tells me it isn’t this guy.

Caden and I exchange a glance. He knows we’re getting set up too, and there’s nothing we can do about it. We step to the side, and the cops bust in.

“Done,” Mercy calls out with a nod.

“Ghost’s on his way,” Caden whispers. “This is his dad.”

The cops go through everything in the garage, knocking things over or dumping things out. Just generally making a fucking mess. They get to Banger’s Chevelle, and I can see the nervousness flash across the young cop’s face when he reaches into the driver’s seat for the key. There is something in that goddamn car.

They pop the trunk. “Over here!” the cop calls out. The rest turn to me, Caden, Mercy, and Twitch with guns drawn.

“On your knees!” One of them calls out. “Now!”

“Someone going to tell me what the fuck is going on?!” Ghost yells, walking into the garage.

“On your knees! Hands behind your head!”