“Family,” Lex corrects. “They’re my family, just as you are. As long as she’s happy, I’m happy. That’s all that fucking matters.”

“Do you want this, or are you just doing this for her?”

“If I didn’t want this, they’d be dead, and you damn well know it. Bridget deserves the goddamn stars, and if she finds that with us, then I’ve done my job as her boyfriend.”

I lift a brow. “Have you even settled on what you guys are to each other?”

“No.” Lex shrugs. “She’s mine now. Nothing is going to change that.”

“You sound creepy as fuck right now,” I laugh.

“And you’re trying to change the subject. Get in or get out, Nik. Don’t think I won’t kill you if you lead her on.” With that threat, he stands up and leaves the office.

My phone rings before I can throw something at the back of his head.


“Where is Lex?” D growls on the other end of the line.

“Busy. What’s up?”

“We’ve got problems in Concrete Row, and I can’t get a hold of Lex, Caden, or Ghost.”

“What kind of problems?” I ask, already getting to my feet. I head to my room and change into a pair of jeans.

“Big fucking problems. Someone needs to get down here.”

“I’m on my way. I’ll grab one of them.” I disconnect the call and jog back down the steps, nearly running over Caden when I spin to head to the garage. “Where’s Lex and Ghost?”

“Upstairs cleaning Bridget up. Why?”

“Problems in Concrete Row.”

“Let me change.” Caden runs up the stairs and is back down minutes later in jeans. We take off to the garage and slide into Caden’s Mustang.

He backs out of the garage, and the guard hits the button for the gates when his car comes into view. “Did they say what kind of problems?”

“No. D just said problems and that he couldn’t get a hold of anyone.”

Caden mashes several buttons on the steering wheel, telling the Bluetooth to call Mercy. “What the fuck is going on?” Caden asks when the call connects.

“Man. Someone killed Shorty and Pops. They left them right outside of the pool hall, and cops are crawling every fucking where. We’re at the garage.”

“Fuck,” Caden says, slapping his hand on the steering wheel. “I’m on my way.”

“Sure thing, Boss.” The call disconnects, and Caden lets out a heavy sigh. I’m new to this part of Lex and D’s life. They know the Vipers inside and out. I’m just learning.

“I’m sorry, man,” I say.

“This fucking sucks. Pops has been with me since the beginning. Hell, he was there before I was. And we just initiated Shorty a month ago.”

I let that sink in and then turn in my seat to face Caden. “They were both Disciples?” I know about the beef Caden has with Tink and his piece of shit Hellraiser crew.

“Yeah. Why?”

“What are the chances of them being original Disciples and being dumped in front of the pool hall that Tink destroyed, saying the merger wouldn’t save you? I don’t think this has anything to do with Mayor Augustus. This has to do with you.”

“Thanks for that warm and fuzzy feeling, Nik. I appreciate it,” Caden says dryly.