Caden: Got it.

I decide to push my luck one more time since he’s talking.

Ghost: When can we talk?

The bubbles pop up that he’s typing and disappear several times before they stop altogether. Sighing, I shoot off messages to some guys to help clean this up and shove my phone back in my pocket.

Eventually, he will have no choice but to face this.

“What’s the call?” Banger asks, sitting back in the booth. It took us two hours to clean this shit up, and the more time that it took, the more pissed I got. If Tink, the leader of the Hellraisers, thinks that I’m going to take this lying down, he’s sadly fucking mistaken.

“We need to pull Caden in for this. It’ll just piss him off if we do it without him. Like I told him, we need to hit them when they don’t expect it. They’re expecting it right now so those motherfuckers will be in hiding.”

“We need to level the whole fucking crew. Most of them are useless, anyway.”

I rub my chin, thinking. “I say we start a recruitment mission. Piss Tink off enough to come out of hiding.” Someone catches my eye, and I grit my teeth. “It’s time to take care of something else first.” I already sent another message to two people I know would love to watch me handle this.

Banger follows my line of sight and turns back to me. “What’d Rugger do?”

“I caught him getting aggressive with Bridget at my party. You know I don’t stand for that shit.” I stand up. “Rugger! Back office, now!”

I head that way with Banger right on my heels. The back office isn’t exactly an office, and all these guys know that. If you are called to the back office, you know your ass is toast. It’s at the back of the real office, nothing more than a room where you are taught a lesson with drains in the floor for easy cleanup.

Rugger drags his ass in there, head down, hands shoved in his pocket. “I didn’t know she was yours,” he mumbles.

Fuck that. “First of all, look me in the goddamn eye when you talk to me,” I bark. I wait until his head snaps up. “Second of all, she’s not mine, but she is a part of my crew in extension to Caden. Which means she’s mine to protect. Third of all, you don’t treat any woman like that whether she belongs to someone or not.” I wasn’t going to add what would happen if Les found out what he was doing.

Out of the corner of my eye, I watch Banger pull on the gloves that have brass knuckles built in. I pull mine from the shelf doing the same. The door creaks open behind Rugger. Alexey and Dmitri step through, eyes glued to the man that I'm sure is about to die.

“I forgot to mention something, Rugger,” I say, nodding behind him. “She belongs to them.” That isn’t entirely true. They’re convinced she’s theirs. She has other ideas. But either way, they’re also fucking protective of the spitfire known as Bridget. One night with her, and she has them by the balls.

“Fuck,” Rugger whispers when he spots the Terror Twins.

“I hear you laid hands on our woman,” Alexey says, pulling on leather gloves. “My own father died for laying his hands on my mama.”

“I didn’t know she belonged to anyone! I just asked her for a drink and a dance!”

“Cut the shit,” Dmitri says, stepping in front of Rugger. He already has gloves on and murder in those creepy dark eyes. “You need to be taught a lesson for touching what’s ours. And for thinking you could touch a woman, period, who doesn’t want it.”

Dmitri strikes before Rugger has time to react, nailing him right in the ribs with a mean jab. Rugger grunts and bends at the waist. Dmitri grabs the back of his head and slams his knee into Rugger's face. Rugger sprawls on the floor, blood pouring from his nose.

“Damn,” Banger grimaces. “Ruthless.”

I walk over to his sprawled form. “What’re my two most important rules?” I ask.

“No drugs, and respect women,” Rugger groans.

“Use this as a lesson the next time you think about manhandling a female like that,” I declare. “If we don’t kill you first.” I draw back my leg and kick him in the kidney with my steel-toe boot. “Get him tied up.”

Banger drops the chains from the ceiling while we drag Rugger over. We heave him up, and Banger clips the cuffs around his wrists. It might be overkill, but with the way Rugger was talking to Bridget, I have a feeling that wasn’t the first time he tried to force himself on someone. That shit isn’t going to fly with me.

“Let me ask you a question,” Banger says to Rugger. “Was she the first one?” Funny, he picked up on that too.


“I don’t think I believe that,” Alexey comments, walking behind Rugger. “What about you, D?”

“No.” Dmitri cocks his head to the side. “You know it takes a real fucking coward to touch someone without their permission?” He looks at me, and I shrug.