Oh, this just got so much more interesting.

Chapter 29


Iknowusingwhat’sgoing on to get Bridget under my roof is wrong, but I can’t pass up this chance. I know she still has reservations, and this is my chance to prove they’re misplaced.

After I showed her to her room, we came downstairs to the game room. Dmitri and Banger took off to take care of something for Ghost. We are laughing and joking, and it makes me feel damn good to have all my family around me. Except for Nik, who’s made himself scarce since we got here. Banger’s comments about Nik have been rolling around in my head. Does Nik feel the same way we do about Bridget? Nik is blood family, and I know he’d treat her with the utmost respect. Do I want to share Bridget with anyone else?

The answer lies solely with her. Whatever she wants, I’ll give her in a heartbeat. Even if that is Nik.

“That’s cheating, Firefly!” Caden exclaims. I look over at him, and he’s pouting. Bridget is leaning over the other end of the pool table from him, showing him cleavage and making him miss his shot.

“No one said I was going to play fair,” Bridget laughs. “I suck at pool. I have to use every advantage I can.”

I walk behind Caden. “Two can play that game, Lover boy,” I whisper. She lines up for her shot with Ghost coaching her. As soon as she aims to take the shot, I run my hand down Caden’s stomach straight to his cock. Her shot goes wide, and she slams the pool stick down on the table.

“Now, that’s bullshit. You guys can actually play! You don’t have to cheat!”

“So, you admit you cheated?” Caden retorts. I move my hand up to his waist and pull him back against my chest.

She throws her hands up. “Of course, I fucking cheated!”

“You must pay for your sins, Firefly,” Caden declares, and she narrows her eyes. “Let’s up the stakes. No cheating this time.”

“What are the stakes?” she asks with suspicion.

“I win and I get to fuck you over the side of the pool table,” Caden says, and my cock jerks in my jeans. He’s not messing around.

“And if I win?”

“You get to let me fuck you over the side of the pool table. It’s a win-win, Firefly.”

Ghost starts laughing. “That’s not how bets are made, Baby love.”

Bridget grins. “If I win, you have to watch Ghost fuck me over the pool table. But you can’t touch yourself, and no one can touch you either.”

Fuck, I love this girl.

“I like those stakes, Sunshine.”

Caden shrugs. “I’m not worried.” He starts racking the balls and gestures to Bridget with a bow. “Ladies first.”

“Remember what I showed you,Moya zhizn.”

“Who’s side are you on?” Caden asks, whirling around to face me.

“I get to see her naked either way,” I point out.

Bridget rolls her shoulders, picks up her pool stick, and lines up for her shot. I watch her line up perfectly like I showed her, and when she lets the pool stick fly, the balls break perfectly, sinking a stripe.

She doesn’t waste any time sinking two more, which honestly were easy shots, but Bridget’s not going to go down easy. This goes on until they both have one ball left and the eight ball. Caden lines up for his shot, but it spins without going into the corner pocket.

“I don’t hear you talking shit anymore, Caden. What happened?” Bridget taunts, shaking her ass at him when she lines up.

“I think you fucking hustled me,” Caden grouches.

Bridget laughs. “No. I just don’t lose easy.” She sinks the last of the stripes and lines up for the eight ball. I watch her look at her best shot and smile with pride when she picks the right one. “Eat shit, Caden.” She lets the stick go, and the eight ball rolls right into the pocket. She tosses the stick onto the table and starts dancing around him, making sure to rub her ass all over his cock. “I won. I won. I won,” she chants.