“Dmitri. Roman.”

“Fuck. Yes,” Banger grunts.

Her body starts shaking, signaling another release. I let my hold go on her hair, put my hand between her shoulder blades and push her until she’s flush against Banger’s chest. It arches her ass perfectly for me so I can slam into her just like I know she loves.

“You take us so good,” I pant. “You going to come,Boginya?”

She moans in answer, causing us to go harder. Sweat is coating all our bodies, but none of us are ready to give this up yet. We fuck her through three more orgasms and start working her up to the fourth. Our breathing is ragged, my heart is thumping in my chest.

“I’m going to come,” Banger groans. “One more.”

“I can’t,” Bridget moans, but she’s still moving with us.

“You can and you will. One more,” I command. Banger’s hand is still working between them.

“Roman! Dmitri!” Her release flashes through her, and it takes Banger right behind her.

“Baby doll,” he groans deeply.

My thrusts stutter, and I bury myself as far as I can. “Boginya,” I rasp.

Bridget collapses completely against Banger’s chest. We gently pull from her and take her to the shower. I wrap her hair in a clip so I don’t get it wet, and we take turns washing her. After we wash, we take her back to bed and place her between us with her head on my chest. She sighs sleepily and snuggles closer. I rub my hand down her hip, content as fuck for the first time in my life that she’s mine. And I get to share her with my family.

Lex and I had already decided when we settled down, we wanted it to be together. Growing up with a father like Viktor, we had to band together against him, and it brought us even closer. We don’t like to be apart, so we never wanted to find someone to tie us down. Until Bridget. And the fact that Caden, Ghost, and Banger are a part of this makes it even better.

Bridget’s soft breathing drifts across my chest, letting me know she's fallen asleep. I kiss the top of her head. “Ya lyublyu tebya,” I whisper, even though she can’t hear me.

She needs to know how I feel, but I'm content to whisper it into her dreams.

Chapter 27


Finallygettingthefulltruth from Ghost, I feel relaxed in our relationship for the first time. Even before I found out about Shadow, I had a feeling he was hiding something. I took the day to think about everything before I went to talk to him because I wanted to be in the right place to listen. I wasn’t running from him this time.

Accepting my two year chip with Bridget by my side made the accomplishment that much better. The old saying ‘once an addict, always an addict’ is true. Just because I don’t use doesn’t mean I don’t struggle with it every fucking day, but with my family by my side, I know I can make it through this life. Like I told Bridget, Les saved my life that day, but they continue to save me. Ghost showing up proves that what we have is much deeper than just sex or just a relationship. We’ve always connected on a much deeper level since the beginning. I knew Ghost from reputation before we came together for Les, but nothing prepared me for the instant attraction when I finally got to talk to him.

“Where’s your mind at, Lover boy?” Lex asks, coming to sit beside me. We came to the Viper garage first thing this morning so Ghost could start working on Banger’s car. We wouldn’t know if it was salvageable until he got underneath it.

“Just thinking,” I say. Last night with Lex and Ghost is still very fresh in my mind. Lex is more than attractive, he’s hot as fuck. And not just his looks. It’s the way he carries himself with confidence. It’s the first thing I noticed about Ghost too.

After they thoroughly fucked me, Ghost took me to the shower to clean me up, and Lex joined him shortly after. I’ve never felt worshiped, and the fact they took the time to make me feel that way meant more than I could put into words.

“About?” Lex prompts, casually throwing his arm on the back of my chair and leaning back in his.

“Everything. Bridget, Ghost. This thing we’ve started.” I look over at him. “You.”

He raises a brow. “Me?”

“What the hell was that last night, Lex? You’ve never even hinted at liking men.”

“I don’t,” he admits, making my heart sink. I look away, confused as fuck. Did he not like what happened? Was I an experiment? “Except you. And Ghost.” Lex reaches over to grab my chin and pulls my eyes back to his. “I don’t regret last night, so wipe that doubt from your face. Everything I said was true.” He rubs his thumb across my bottom lip. “Don’t doubt the pull you have on me.”

“Well, fuck, Lex,” I laugh. “We’ve joked around, but I never knew you felt that way.”

He shrugs and drops his hand to my thigh. “I guess I never said anything because I saw what was between you and Ghost. But the question is, do you feel the same way?”

“Are you asking if I have a crush on you, Lex?” I joke, and he squeezes my leg in a warning. “I mean, your dick game is good, but I don’t know if it’s crush worthy.”