“You can cook?” I ask, surprised.

Ghost gives me a dry look. “I’m not a chef, but I make do.”

“So, your way to Caden is through his stomach?” I joke.

“He loves to eat. I swear to fuck, he eats four times his body weight in a day.”

“But he still looks so good naked.” I groan loudly, and Ghost laughs, causing several heads to swing our way.

“You’re not wrong about that.”

We spend the next several minutes getting the ingredients for whatever Ghost is cooking for Caden. We even come up with a plan to get Caden to Ghost’s house so they can talk. When we get to the checkout line, I tell Ghost I’m going to wait in the car. “Don’t steal it and run from the cops,” he says, handing me the keys.

“I can’t make any promises,” I say with a smile and a peck on his lips.

I leave the store with a smile on my face, heading for Ghost’s Challenger. It truly is a gorgeous car, completely blacked out.

“Is this what you’ve chosen to do with your life?”

That voice stops me in my fucking tracks. I whip around and come face to face with my ex, Travis. The one who almost made me miss out on what I have with the guys now.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, turning around and walking the last three steps to Ghost’s car.

“Hanging with those types of people.”

I snort. “Those types of people? What are you talking about?” I unlock it to get in, but when I reach for the handle, Travis steps in front of me to block the door. “Move,” I grit out.

“He leads the deadliest gang in this city!”

If he only knew. “Move,” I say again.

“Is that what you needed? Some tattooed miscreant?”

I can’t help it. I laugh. “Miscreant? You have no fucking clue what you’re talking about. Now, move.” I try to shove him out of the way, but he just pushes back against my hand. I look into his hazel eyes and wonder what the hell I ever saw in him. Yes, he’s attractive but in a preppy boy kind of way. I’ve come to realize I like them rougher around the edges.

“I heard what you were talking about in the store. Is that why you left me? So you could whore yourself out for the local thugs?”

Before I can open my mouth, Ghost has Travis by the throat and pushed into the side of his car. Ghost shoves his face into Travis’. “What the fuck did you just call her?” Ghost grits out, squeezing harder. Ghost looks at me. “Is this him?”

I shrug. “The asshole ex? Yeah.”

“Get your hands off me!” Travis says, pushing false bravado into his voice. I can tell he’s already scared since he has sweat beading around his temple.

Ghost slowly turns back to him. “Or what?” He pushes into Travis’ face again, and Travis’ eyes widen. “If I ever hear you talk to my girl like that again, I’ll make sure your fucking family doesn’t recognize you. Do I make myself clear?” My girl? For fucks sake, Ghost is openly choking out my ex, and I’m swooning over him calling me his girl.

I lay my hand on Ghost’s arm. “He’s not worth it. Let’s just go.”

Ghost’s hand tightens, and then he slams Travis back against the side of the car. He steps back. “I suggest you get the fuck out of my face and stay the fuck away from Bridget.”

Travis gives me one last sneer before hightailing it to his car.

“Well, that just made my panties wet,” I say, making Ghost choke on a laugh.

With a shake of his head, he opens my door for me so I can get in.

We will talk about the my girl comment after he makes things right with Caden.

Chapter 25