“I started using Heroin when I was sixteen,” he says finally, and I squeeze his hand in encouragement. “Les busted up a club when I was nineteen and found me in the back damn close to overdosing. She pulled me out, shoved my ass in rehab, and told me that I was worth more than the drugs I was using.” He looks at me with tears in his eyes. “No one ever told me I was worth anything until her. She saved my life that day, and I’d never disappoint her and use ever again. She visited me every day until the day I got out, and she gave me a family for the first time in my life. She gave me the Disciples right after I turned twenty because she believed in me.”

“I’m sure she’s fucking proud of you, Caden,” I say past the lump in my throat.

“I thought about using the day I found out Ghost lied to me for so long.” He rubs his knuckles down my cheek. “Until you flopped down in front of me and demanded we dance.” I choke out a sob, and he crushes me to his chest. “Les might have saved me that day. But you save me every day, Firefly.”

And I’ll continue to do so as long as he’ll let me.

Caden stayed at my house, and I just held him all night. We never did talk about Ghost, so I’m going straight to the source. Caden had to leave, so I called Alexey to drive me to see the man in question. He pulls in front of the Viper’s garage and pulls me in for a kiss.

“Do you want me to wait,Moya zhizn?”

“No. I’ll have him bring me back home,” I answer. Before I can get my door open, Alexey is getting out and heading to my side. He sticks his hand in to help me out.

“If you don’t stop opening your own door….” he leaves that threat open.

I pat his chest. “Please threaten to spank me.”

His eyes flair with heat. “With pleasure,” he purrs. Well, if that didn’t leave me in a puddle on the sidewalk. He pulls me into his chest and kisses me slowly. My arms go around his neck, and I’m practically climbing him when he chuckles against my lips. “Go talk to Ghost.” I exaggerate a pout, and he kisses my bottom lip. “Something tells me he might need you right now.”

I peck Alexey’s lips one more time before making my way to the side of the Viper garage, letting myself in through the door. Ghost’s head pops up from talking with Mercy, and my heart breaks when his face falls when he realizes it isn’t Caden. He looks wary of me walking into the garage after the last time I threatened to shove a pointy shoe up his ass if he hurt Caden again. But that’s not why I’m here. We’re all in a different place than what we were then.

Mercy looks between Ghost and me, then stands up. “I’m going to leave you to it,” he says with a smile. “Go easy on him,” Mercy whispers on his way by and slips from the garage.

I sit in the chair Mercy vacated and take Ghost’s hand that’s lying on the table, lacing our fingers together. He looks at me with surprise, and I can tell he expected me to chew his ass out again, but he gives my fingers a squeeze anyway. “I’m not here to fuss,” I start. “You and Caden need to work out your own shit. Should you have told him?” I shrug. “Probably, but I don’t know about that part of your life. And I’m not the one you need to tell.”

“I’ve tried to call him,” Ghost says, running his fingers through his blonde hair. “I just don’t like talking about that time in my life. It wasn’t easy, but for him, I will.”

“He’ll come around. He always does.” I lean forward and peck Ghost’s lips. “Thank you for coming last night. That will mean a lot to him.”

“There’s no way I would have missed that. I’m so fucking proud of him.”

I feel myself getting choked up again. Even though I wasn’t around for that part of Caden’s life, I’m damn proud of him too. I could see the pride shining through his eyes when he received that shiny chip. “I am too.”

Ghost tugs my hand until I stand up, then pulls me between his thighs. I wrap my arms around his neck, and his hands slide down to my hips. “I’m glad you came, Sunshine.”

“Me too,” I whisper. I never saw myself in this place with Ghost. We talked in passing, and I might have flirted more than once, but he’s always been polite, sometimes standoffish. So, standing here looking into his blue eyes is causing butterflies to attack my stomach. On impulse, I lean in and lay my lips against his. He quickly takes over the kiss by sliding his tongue against mine. He kisses me until I’m melting against him, and he pulls back to look into my eyes.

Ghost brings a hand up to the back of my head and pulls my forehead down to his lips, kissing the little band-aid covering the small cut from my wreck with Banger. “I’m going to kill the motherfucker that did this to you,” he vows.

“As long as you don’t kill Banger,” I joke, trying to release the tension in his shoulders.

He chuckles, and his shoulders drop a little, making me want to pat myself on the back. “I won’t kill him. Yet.” He points to the middle of the garage where Banger’s poor crushed car is sitting. “But if I find out he let you run from the cops again, I will kill him.”

“But it was fun,” I argue with a grin. It was such an adrenaline rush, and then the kiss after had me ready to ride him in the front seat. It pisses me off even more that some asshole decided to ruin our day.

Ghost rolls his eyes. “Of course, you’d think it was.” He stands up, causing me to crane my neck to look up at him. “You can have all the fun you want, Sunshine, as long as it doesn’t put you in danger.” He pecks my lips. “I need to run to the store to grab a few things. You want to go with me?”

“Of course,” I answer without hesitation.

Ghost grabs my hand and leads me outside to his car. When I reach for the handle, he jerks me back into his chest. “Don’t you dare,” he growls, reaching around me and popping my door open.

I flop in the seat with a huff while he shuts the door. He walks around and slides into the driver’s seat. With a grin, he stabs the button to start the car, and I can’t even be annoyed when he smiles at me like that. Ghost pulls away from the curb in front of the garage, and when he’s on the main road, he slides his hand onto my thigh, rubbing circles on it with his thumb.

Fifteen minutes later, he pulls in front of one of the bigger grocery stores and gives me a warning look before climbing from the car. I shake my head with a laugh, watching him walk around the hood to my side. He extends his hand to help me out after he pops my door open. As soon as I’m on my feet, he backs me into the side of it, his lips going to mine. His fingers thread through my hair, angling my head so he can control the kiss. When he pulls back, we’re both breathless, completely forgetting we’re standing in a crowded parking lot.

He pecks my lips again, takes my hand, and leads me into the store. “What are we here for?” I ask when he picks up a basket.

“I’m cooking for Caden.”