I tilt her head up with my fingers under her chin so I can get a better look. I dab it with the disinfecting wipe, and she hisses. “I’m sorry,Zolotoy.” Fuck, I need to quit calling her that.

“It’s okay,” she whispers.

This close, I can see that her eyes are a different shade of green around the pupil and have gold flakes. Her freckles take over most of her cheeks and nose. I like when she doesn’t cover them up. Shaking my head so I’ll stop staring into her eyes, I finish my task and put a little band-aid over the cut. “You don’t need stitches. Just be careful with it.” She’s still staring at me, and I’m finding it harder to look away.

“Mercy said my car’s at the garage. He’s going to look at the damage, but he said it might be totaled.” Banger loves that damn car, and I know he put a lot of time and money into fixing it up.

“I’ll pay for the damages,” Bridget says, finally pulling her eyes from mine.

“Not a chance in hell, Baby doll,” Banger argues. “It’s just a car, and it wasn’t your fault.”


“But nothing.” Banger grabs her hand and tugs her into his arms. “We’ll get whoever did this, and they can pay for the damages.”

In blood. That’s the hidden meaning behind that. Banger knows there is no damn way whoever did it is paying for shit.

“We need to get into those cameras,” I say.

“Holden’s on it,” Banger replies. “He’s sending what he has now.”

While Banger leads her to the conference room, I stop by the kitchen and grab painkillers for Bridget’s headache and some water. I sit down at the computer with Bridget beside me and Banger on her right. I slide the pills and water to her, and she smiles gratefully. She takes them and drains almost the whole bottle of water. I pull up the file Holden sent. It’s been less than an hour, and we already have video from every camera around that time frame. I hit play, and we watch the several different angles of Banger’s car coming into view, and then a black sedan comes speeding up on their right, swerving into the front fender, causing Bridget to overcorrect just like she said. A sick feeling enters my stomach when I see the car run off the road and smash into the embankment, completely crushing the front end. At one of the angles, you can see Bridget’s head bounce off the steering wheel, and I have to clench my fists to stop my reaction to that. Who would fucking dare hurt her?

No matter how many times we watched it, blew it up, or went back to a certain time stamp, we couldn’t get a clear shot of the driver.

“Holden said he’s going to tear that footage apart. He’ll find who did this,” Banger supplies when he sees how pissed I’m getting. I look at him, and he’s got that same look in his eyes. Murder.

“Did he ever find out who was in her house?” I ask, shutting the footage off.

“Not yet. Which means the guy is not in any known databases, so he’s going to dig deeper.”

This crew has to be one of the best. Between Les’ and Micah’s, they have the best there is. And now that we have the Saviors on our side, I don’t worry as much.

“Have you called Alexey and Dmitri to tell them what happened?” I ask.

Bridget giggles when Banger grimaces. “Maybe she should tell them. They are less likely to kill my ass if she breaks the news.”

I don’t know about that. They were protective over her before she was even theirs.

Banger better hope they like him just a little bit.

Chapter 24


JustlikeIsuspected,Alexey and Dmitri lost their shit when we told them what happened. I’ve never heard so many threats of bodily harm in my life, and at times, it wasn’t even in English. I don’t know what they were saying, but from the tone of voice, I can guess it wasn’t good, and so did Banger since all their anger is aimed at him.

No matter how scared I was today, Banger kept me calm the entire time. I was also afraid he would be mad over the car, but he’s been insistent that the car didn’t matter.

“Boginya,” Dmitri says softly, pulling my attention back to him. After Alexey threatened to jump rope with Banger’s intestines, I tuned them out. “Are you okay?”

“Please stop asking that,” I say, scooting under his outstretched arm. He drops it on my shoulders and pulls me closer to him.

Alexey sits on my other side, putting his hand on my thigh. “We’ll get them,” he promises.

“I have no doubt,” I laugh, then sigh. “Does this have to do with the Hellraisers?”

“We don’t know,Zolotoy,” Nikolay answers from his spot in front of us on the loveseat. “But I’d say it does.”