“Yeah. And don’t think I won’t kill you for hurting her,” Zane threatens.

“Whoa, Big Daddy. Calm the trigger happy finger down,” Holden laughs.

“Big Daddy?” Axel and Cole ask at the same time.

“We don’t have time to explain…that,” Caden says, gesturing to Holden and Zane. “Or anything else. What do we do with the kid?”

“He can come with us,” Axel offers with a shrug. “He’s nineteen. We can take the shit with us and destroy what he has.”

Micah rakes his fingers through his hair. “Let’s get this done so I can get home to my family.”

We walk back over to Nolan, and he already has a resigned look on his face. “How close are you to your grandparents?” Axel asks, making Nolan frown.

“I’m not.”

“Where are your parents?” Caden adds.

“I don’t know. Probably on another fucking cruise.”

“Good. You’re coming with me,” Axel announces. “We need all your shit cleaned and wiped from that house.”

“Coming with you?” Nolan whispers.

“We aren’t going to kill you,” Shadow says impatiently. “But you can’t go back there because we don’t trust you.”

“Okay,” Nolan says quietly.

“What are you going to do with him?” I ask when Cole starts leading Nolan away.

“Put him in the academy. Shine up his skills and use them. Hackers like him are hard to come by,” Axel answers and looks at Holden. “Since I can’t steal you, he’s the next best thing.”

“What the fuck is the academy?” Caden asks.

“It’s our version of a training program. We take the skills you already have and make them better. My dad…our dad used to run it. I run it better. We have to roll,” Axel explains.

Shadow looks at Ghost. “We’ll catch up. I’ll be in Abbs Valley this weekend. It looks like you have your own shit to deal with, anyway.”

Ghost does have some shit to deal with.

It comes in a six-foot-two, blue haired, pissed off package.

Chapter 23


Ijusthungupthe phone with Alexey after getting all the details, when it rings again, Banger’s name popping up.

“What’s wrong?” I ask automatically. They don’t call me unless they need back up, and I also know he has Bridget with him.

“We need your help,” Banger says. “Someone ran us off the road.”

I jump to my feet, already moving toward the door, shoving my feet into my shoes. “Where?” I ask, striding to the garage door and letting it swing shut behind me.

“Off of nineteen. Car came out of fucking nowhere.”

“Is Bridget okay?” I ask, slamming the door on my Benz. If something happened to her, Banger will have more than Lex and D to deal with.

“Banged up, pissed off, but fine.”