“I promise I’ll tell you everything,” Ghost says softly.

I can see all the thoughts running across Caden’s face. He jerks a nod and crosses his arms over his chest defensively. I don’t know how many more times he can find out Ghost is hiding shit before his head explodes. I have to say that I’m damn curious too. He supposedly grew up with a mayor and then just appeared in Abbs Valley. Something tells me there’s a lot about Ghost that none of us know. And if I’m going to allow him around my woman, he’s got some explaining to do to all of us.

Shadow pulls a phone from his pocket and flips it to Ghost. “From what Holden told us, he’s holed up in the basement. Not the best vantage point, but we can swing it.”

Ghost nods. “Remember Apple Falls?”

Shadow laughs. “Yep. I’m thinking the same thing. Slip right through the backdoor.”

“You want to walk right in the backdoor?” Hart asks. “How the fuck?” I forget Hart is new to this.

“They’ve got this,” I assure him. If Shadow is as good as what Micah says, and if he’s anything close to Ghost, I have no doubt. “What about the rest of us?”

“We need all exits blocked. We don’t know who or what’s in that house. Shadow and Ghost go in and do their thing, then give us the signal. I want someone on each window and door. The rest go in to grab the hacker. He comes out unharmed. We need answers,” Axel instructs.

“What about the neighbors?” Dmitri asks. “That’s a damn nice neighborhood. We stand out.”

“Fuck it. We move fast enough, and we won’t have to worry about it. Holden will be in one getaway car.” Axel slaps the side of the SUV, and the driver’s side door pops open. Cole, the one who came to Evie’s wedding, steps out, walking to stand beside Axel. He’s almost the same height with blonde hair. He looks like a surfer boy. “Cole will be in another one. We get him, get out, and meet back here.”

Caden snorts. “Sounds simple enough. I’ll drive ours.” He turns on his heel and stomps back to the SUV, slamming the door behind him.

We follow him, and when Ghost slides into the car, Caden won’t even look at him. “Baby love?”

“No. Fuck that. Let’s get this job done and go home.”

“I told you….”

“That you would tell me everything? Yeah, I’ve heard that. You also told me the night that we talked for goddamn hours that you weren’t hiding anything else. I call bullshit. Just fucking drive.”

Ghost glances at me in the mirror, and I shrug. I’m on Caden’s side on this one. I know there’s some stuff that I’ll have to explain to Bridget, but it’s stuff she doesn’t even know about. It sounds like Caden flat out asked Ghost, and he lied.

With a sigh, Ghost jerks the car into drive and pulls out behind Axel. We drive until we’re right down the street from the house. “Caden, I swear to fuck, I’ll tell you everything,” Ghost says.

“We don’t have time for this shit,” Caden barks. “Go do your thing.”

Ghost shoves open his car door, and Caden slides into the driver’s seat. Ghost meets Shadow at the hood, and they disappear around the back of the house in front of us. Even to my trained eye, I can’t see them once they start passing through the backyards.

“Comm’s check,” Holden calls out.

“Clear,” Ghost whispers.

“Yep,” Shadow replies.

We all give our clears and wait for the signal.

“Holden, get ready,” Ghost whispers. “Go.”

“Goddamn, that was fast,” Axel comments with a chuckle. You can hear the slight beep from the device Ghost is using to deactivate any alarms.

“In,” Shadow announces. “Team two go.”

We slowly drive back in front of the house and jump out, leaving our getaway drivers in place. We don’t even make it to the yard before Ghost comes out with an unconscious guy over his shoulder. “House is clear. Let’s go.”

Ghost shoves who I assume is Nolan into the back of the SUV and jumps into the passenger seat. “There’s an old warehouse about three blocks from here. Follow us,” Axel instructs.

“Got it,” Ghost replies and pulls the comm from his ear. It’s so quiet in the car I start to get uneasy. There is some serious shit brewing between Ghost and Caden. I look at Dmitri, and he has the same look on his face.

We pull in front of the warehouse, and Caden’s out of the car as soon as it’s in park. I grab Ghost’s arm before he steps out. “He deserves the truth.”