“What?” she squeaks.

“Want to have some fun, Baby doll?” I grin. “This car can leave them sucking exhaust.”

“You want me to run from the cops?” she asks in disbelief. She glances at my face. “You’re serious?”

“Yep. Live a little.”

Bridget glances in the rearview mirror and slams on the gas again. It doesn’t take any time before we start pulling away. They can run the tag all they want to. It’s not going to come back to me.

“Take this exit,” I say and point. She smoothly glides off the exit, and the cop car flies by us, still on the highway. “Good girl.”

“I just ran from the fucking cops!” she exclaims, stopping at the bottom of the exit. “Wait until Caden hears about this shit.”

I grimace. “Maybe don’t tell Lex and D.”

“You scared of the Terror Twins, Roman?” She pulls off the exit and whips into a parking lot. She jerks the emergency brake and turns to face me.

“You heard that conversation, didn’t you?” That’s the only way she would know my real name. Not that it matters. I don’t hide behind a street name like Ghost does.

“I sure did. I like the name Roman. It’s sexy, and it fits.”

“Are you flirting with me, Baby doll?”

She leans until her face is right in front of mine. “What if I am?”

This is my chance, and I’m sure as fuck not passing it up. I wrap my hand around her slim throat and jerk her lips to mine. She opens immediately when I lick the seam of her lips. She moans in the back of her throat, and it shoots straight to my cock. I’d been half hard watching her handle the car. Now I’m rock hard, straining against my zipper. I’d love to pull her across this console and sink into her pussy. I don’t give a fuck that it’s broad daylight. But I don’t want our first time to be in the passenger seat of this car. I want to lay her out on the bed and explore every square inch of her creamy skin.

I pull back reluctantly. “Your place?” I suggest.

“I thought you’d never ask.”

I know for a fact this is going to be well worth the wait.

Chapter 22


AftercallingBridgetjustto hear her voice, I join the rest of them. Finding out Ghost and Shadow know each other is a mind fuck.

“How do you know each other?” Caden asks, looking between them. “You have another brother?” That’s my damn question. Ghost just mentioned his brother Gavin, and this guy is not him.

Ghost shakes his head. “Not biological. It’s a long damn story.”

“You’re the one from the church?” Micah asks suddenly. “The one with the skull mask.”

Shadow shrugs. “Yeah.”

“What? The one who took down the rest of the Bulls?” Ghost asks, looking between them.

“I think we have a lot to discuss, brother,” Shadow says. Shadow is about my height but not as broad. Brown hair and watchful blue eyes. You can see him constantly assessing everything around him.

Axel stands to his full height. “It sounds like it. Let’s grab Nolan, and we can find a place to go.”

“How do you want to play this?” Gray asks. The resemblance between him and Axel is insane.

“Well, we have a Ghost and a Shadow,” Axel laughs. “Trust me when I say they were trained to go anywhere.”

“Trained?” Caden asks in confusion.