Ghost whirls around on Lex. “This isn’t a goddamn game!” Ghost yells. “Do you not get that? You don’t know what he’s capable of! It’s best if I take care of this on my own, so no one else has to go down because of that piece of shit.”

“No more of this on my own bullshit,” Lex barks, his Russian accent getting thicker since he’s pissed off. I’ve always wanted to give him shit for it, but I’m a little afraid of him when he’s mad. “If anyone understands this, it’s me and D.”

“Fuck!” Ghost yells, raking his hand through his hair. “I can’t keep doing this!”

I slide my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. “We’ll get him, Gabriel,” I whisper. “You just have to let us help.”

Ghost sags in my arms. “I don’t want any of you anywhere near him.”

“Too bad,” Lex says, clapping Ghost on the arm. “Sit down, and let’s come up with a plan.”

We get settled back around the table, and I hate the look of defeat on Ghost’s face.

“We need to send a message to your father,” Nik says. “Let him know that you aren’t to be fucked with.”

“What’s your idea?” Ghost sighs.

Nik grins, and he looks like the twins when he does. “We send him a little present in the shape of Anton’s heart.”

“Jesus Christ,” Ghost mutters.

“What better way to blow his perfect image all to hell than to send him severed body parts?” I add.

“Fuck it. Do it,” Ghost says, finally sitting up in his chair. I watch the Viper leader coming out full force and want to fucking kiss him. “Just know there will be repercussions.”

“I don’t give a fuck. This motherfucker put you, my family, and Bridget at risk. We can handle whatever he throws at us,” Dmitri says.

Before Ghost can reply, Lex’s phone starts ringing. He slides to answer and puts it on speakerphone.

“What’s up, Holden?”

“I found out who this came from. You remember the hacker, Nolan, that was working for that fucking FBI agent that was trying to take down Micah?”

We exchange looks. “Yeah?” Lex answers.

“It’s from him. I backtraced it straight to his goddamn address. You want in? It’s like a two hour drive from here. It’s just Zane and me here. Les and the rest are gone.”

“We’re in,” Ghost answers. “Meet you at your place?”

“Good. You’re there too. I was calling you next,” Holden says. “Gray, Micah, and Hart are going too. Axel’s going to meet us there with some of his guys. We don’t know what we’re walking into.”

That doesn’t fucking matter. It’s time we started getting some answers.

We rush to get our shit together, and three hours later, we pull into the neighborhood that Holden got the signal from.

“Are you sure this is it?” Ghost asks, rolling the SUV to a stop. We are in a fancy ass neighborhood. Definitely not the usual place you would find a hacker working for a corrupt FBI agent.

“This is it,” Holden answers through the speakerphone. He, Zane, Micah, Gray, and Hart are in the SUV behind ours.

“It’s time for you to use your creepy ass skills,” Lex says to Ghost, leaning between the seats.

Ghost turns to face him slowly. “You really just called me creepy?”

Zane chuckles through the speakers. “Let’s go meet Axel and regroup,” he suggests.

They drive around us and head toward the spot we set to meet Axel. We pull into an abandoned lot fifteen minutes later to find Axel leaning against the side of his SUV with a shorter guy standing beside him.

“What the fuck?” Ghost whispers. He throws it into park and jumps out, leaving the rest of us to stare at him in confusion. We scramble out, and Ghost is staring at the guy with Axel, shock all over his face.