“Enough. I’m going to have to take care of Rugger tomorrow,” Ghost answers. “I had to get him away from her.”

“I could have handled him,” I say, pointing my finger at Ghost. “You just didn’t give me a chance.”

“Either way, he’s going to die,” Caden says casually, slinging an arm around my shoulders. “Let’s go get drunk, Firefly.”

“Are you going to invite him?” I whisper once we’re through the door. “We’ve talked about this. You guys were best friends.”

“Nope,” he says, still leading me through the house and into the kitchen.

“Really?” I ask with a roll of my eyes, sliding onto the kitchen counter. “He’s trying, Caden. Cut him some slack.”

“That was slack,” he argues. “At least I’m actually talking to him. What happened with Rugger?” he asks, mixing a drink.

“He got pushy. Ghost ran him off. End of story.”

“What if Ghost wasn’t here? I told you not to come into Concrete Row alone.”

“Then why invite me?”

“Because I like hanging out with you,” he answers, handing me a drink in a red solo cup. “You look pretty tonight.”

I look down at my jeans and my plain black shirt. I barely have any makeup on, and my hair is in loose curls down my back. “You’re full of shit.”

Caden laughs. “I’m not. Casual or not, you look pretty. Take the compliment and shut up.”

I punch his shoulder. “I don’t like you. I’m not even sure why I'm hanging out with you.”

“You don’t hate me, Firefly.” He runs his hand through his blue hair, that’s starting to get longer. Caden’s gorgeous in his own way. He has his own style, and I absolutely love it. He isn’t afraid to push the social norms of how a man’s supposed to dress. Tonight he’s got the little black solid gauges in his ears, a tight white shirt that shows off the various tattoos on his arms, and faded jeans.

When we first started hanging out, I thought he was after what every man is. Sex. But besides the little compliments, he’s never made a move on me. It was nice to hang out with him without any expectations. Unlike the two devastatingly handsome twins, I try and fail not to think about every damn day. That night really was the best sex of my life, and nothing has compared since. Not that I’ve tried very much. All night long, we were all over each other. Either together or one on one. When I had sex with Alexey alone the last time, we broke the bed. They made sure they left their imprint on me in the shape of bruises, bite marks, hickeys, and memories.

It was supposed to be one night, but since that night, they’ve pursued me. I get flowers and gifts delivered weekly. But like I told Les, it isn’t fair to lead them on when I’m dead set against a relationship with one guy, much less two.

“What’s the party for anyway?” I ask, taking a sip of my drink. I have no idea what he put in it, but they’re always good.

“Merger of the Disciples and the Vipers.”

“What?” I splutter. “Since when?”

“Since this morning,” Caden answers, sliding to sit beside me on the kitchen counter. “We’re celebrating.”

I frown. “You don’t sound too happy about that.”

“No, I am,” Caden sighs. “Ghost and I will share equal responsibilities. One is not the leader over the other. But as of eleven this morning, we’re all officially Vipers.”

“Why now?”

“We need to close ranks, especially with Ghost’s dad still out there and the Hellraisers sniffing around again.” Caden shrugs. “It’s for the best.”

“But now you have to spend more time with Ghost?” I guess.

Caden stares off into the distance. “Yep.” He jumps down from the counter and pulls me off with him, dragging me behind him.

“What are you doing?” I laugh.

“Dancing,” he declares, spinning me around by my hand when we get to the packed living room, almost making me spill my drink.

Lowby Flo Rida comes on, and we dance, singing at the top of our lungs. The music is so loud in the house you can barely hear us. When the chorus comes on, Caden turns around and starts twerking on me, making me laugh hysterically.